that was pretty what you were whistling. whistle some more. you got a cigarette? you smoke it. smoke it, dad. i'll light it for you, dad. stella-a-a-a! wanna make the colored lights go around and around? what's that? friend of yours? nobody chickened. they always live. that way! i'm a crab! moo. that's real cute. moo. moo. what you looking at? what? hey, he's real abstract and different. what? who's fighting? this is the test, man. it's a crazy game. somebody find him a knife. you know the action? no cutting. just sticking--jab real cool. what you waiting on, toreador? i thought you wanted some action! big brave bull. hah! toro! hah! hah! come on--fascinate us. impress us. what's happening? let's go! you crud chicken! you're wasting our time! yeah--that's pretty close. how about a little closer, toreador? cut off a button and you get to join the club! hey! chicken little! buzz trips plato quickly and kicks him while he's down. crunch grabs the chain. split for what? couple old poopheads? how 'bout you? say the word and you're cold, jack--you're dead. what's eating you, judy? you want him alive? know the millertown bluff? draw him a picture, chicken little. eight o'clock. cookie, you call moose and get a couple cars. we're going to have us some real kicks. little chickie-run. you been on chickie-runs before? why'nt you go suck on something sweet? hey, chicken-little. where's toreador? he beg off? yeah? goon! you seen that adolescent type anywheres? what? come on. let's see what we're driving. just him. what you say your name was? buzz gundersen. glad to meet you. flashlight? looks good. look good to you? okay. better try the doors. jump out. no--quick, man! you got to break quick. this is the edge, boy. this is the end. i like you, you know? we got to do something. don't we? give me some dirt. hey, toreador! she signals. we head for the edge. the first guy who jumps--chicken! what's happening? hit your lights!