where were you tonight, jimbo? i don't see what's so bad about taking a little drink. no. i definitely don't. i did the sa-- say, listen-- i guess i cut pretty loose in my day too. listen--can't you wait till we get home? sorry. he's just loaded, honey. let me just explain to you--we just moved here, y'understand? the kid has no friends yet and-- hold it, jim. you mind if i try? you have to slam the door in my face? i try to get to him--what happens? don't i give you everything you want? a bicycle--you get a bicycle. a car-- not just buy! you hear all this talk about not lovely your kids enough. we give you love and affection, don't we? then what is it? i can't even touch you anymore but you pull away. i want to understand you. why'd you get drunk? you must have had a reason. was it because we went to that party? you know what kind of drunken brawls those parties turn into-- it's no place for kids. sure. sure. have some cigars. go on--give 'em to your friends. mother-- my first day of school, mother'd make me eat and by golly i could never even swallow till recess-- so long, young fella. knock 'em dead, like your old man used to! and listen--watch out about the pals you choose--know what i mean? don't let them choose you-- hiya, jimbo. you thought i was mom? it's just this get-up. the girl's out and i was bringing mom's supper. yeah! shh! i better clean this up before she sees it. you awake? listen--i took a steak out of the freezer. i thought we could have a real old-fashioned stag party--just the two of us, what do you say? shoot, jimbo. is there some kind of trick answer? i wouldn't do anything hasty. let's get a little light on the subject. how'd that happen! what kind of trouble you in? listen--nobody should make a snap decision--this isn't something you just--we ought to consider all the pros and cons-- we'll make time. where's some paper. we'll make a list and if we're still stuck then we ought to get some advice-- well, now-- you know i never stop you from anything. believe me--you're at a wonderful age. in ten years you'll look back on this and wish you were a kid again. i just want to show you how foolish you are. when you're older you'll laugh at yourself for thinking this is so important-- jim? will you listen? you can't go out till we--jim! jim? jim! go ahead. sure--there was a bad accident there. they showed the pictures on will you let him tell it! just relax, please relax! well, just get it off your chest, son. you're absolutely right! you what? did anyone see you there? i mean did they get your license number or anything? well-- look jim. far be it from me to tell you what to do, but there's-- i'm just explaining what you mean! you can't be an idealist all your life! nobody thanks you for sticking your neck out! will you wait a minute? you know you did wrong. that's the main thing, isn't it? you'll learn as you get a little older, jim. son--this is all happening so fast-- what's that pounding? he's home. i heard the car. look--just relax, will you? see? it stopped. who's there? anyone there? who's out there? what? look in his room! jim! jim! son? oh, no, thanks. i just wanted to-- to be sure my garage was closed. no, honey. no, he's not here. what are you doing? i don't know. do you--do you know where he is? hey, come back here. who are you? perfectly all right. stay here. that was my son! i think i know my son. let him alone! he's mine! i'll take care of him! for a minute. that jacket. i thought. you couldn't help it, son. you did everything a man could do. stand up, jim. i'll stand up with you. let me try to be as strong as you want me to be. and you can depend on me, son. trust me. whatever comes we'll face it together, i swear.