judy. what are you wishing for, judy? "man in the moon, how came you there-- up in the sky where you are shining-- floating so high in the frosty air--? oh, say--man in the moon!"-- we used to sing it in school. don't look at me with such horror. they had schools in those days. we were romantic then too-- no. why? with us old creeps? come on, we have to eat. hi. what? what's the matter with you? you're too old for that kind of stuff, kiddo. i thought you stopped doing that long ago. nothing. i didn't kiss her so it's a big thing. i'm tired, judy. i'd like to change the subject. i'd like to, that's all. girls your age don't do that. you need an explanation? stop it now! sit down! hi, rascal. hey, hey, glamorpuss. i'm sorry. i don't know what to do. all of a sudden she's a problem. beau! you belong in bed! who wants her? who? jim who? never heard of you. is anything wrong? i'm your neighbor. judy?