he hates me. he hates me. i don't think. i know. he looks at me like i'm the ugliest thing in the world. he doesn't like my friends--he-- he doesn't like anything about me-- he calls me--he calls me-- he calls me a dirty tramp--my own father! yes! i don't know! i mean maybe he doesn't mean it but he acts like he does. we're altogether and we're going to celebrate easter and catch a double bill. big deal. so i put on my new dress and i came out and he-- yes--he started yelling for a handkerchief--screaming. he grabbed my face and he rubbed all my lipstick off--he rubbed till i thought i wouldn't have any lips left. and all the time yelling at me--that thing--the thing i told you he called me. then i ran out of the house. i was just talking a walk. i tried to call the kids but everybody was out and i couldn't find them. i hate my life. i just hate it. no. no. i don't even know why i do it. i'll never get close to anybody. you know where they picked me up! twelfth street! i wasn't even near there! lexington 05549. what? my mother? you said you'd call my father. beau! what are you trying to do, get yourself killed? come out of the alley, beau! this is the last time i'm going to call you. beau! all right--go to school alone! bully for you. now that's true! "life is crushing in on me." where what was. who lives? won't mother be proud. you going there? dig the square wardrobe! university and 10th--want to carry my books? the kids take me. i'll bet you're a real yo yo. goodbye! see you! steady marlon! a new disease. i'm glad they let you out. i heard about it. you're lucky he lived. that way! buzzie--we better get out of here. you mean l'il ol' us? what's the matter with the nice man? i wasn't wishing. i was looking at the moon. how did you know that? but the same song. i think it's fantastic! are you and mom home tonight? nothing, only it'd be nice to spend an evening together for a change. daddy-- good evening. didn't you forget something? i didn't want to stop. i was talking to dad. i guess i just don't understand anything. why? girls don't love their father? since when? since i got to be sixteen? may i please be excused? is he your friend? what's he like? well, that's the main thing--don't you think so? want to finish my hamburger? i only took a bite. feel okay? good luck, buzz. this is fine-- they'll be looking for you. it doesn't matter to them. no--i was just--maybe-- i thought so. i'm numb. even if i'm near a fire, i'm cold. i guess just about everybody's cold. neither can i. no. i'm sorry i treated you mean today. you shouldn't believe what i say when i'm with the kids. nobody acts sincere. if you knew me you wouldn't say that. why? have you ever gone with anyone who-- so have i. but i've never been in love. isn't that awful? why did you do that? your lips are soft when you kiss. i don't know, but we can't stay here. i'm never going back. i feel as if i'm walking under water. oh, jim! you decide, darling. remember our budget. oh, we can manage that! i'll scrimp and save and work my fingers to the bone. you see, we've just--oh, you tell him, darling. i'm so embarrassed i could die! there's just one thing. what about-- yes. and so terribly annoying when they cry. i just don't know what to do when they cry, do you dear? see, we're very modern. talk to them! heavens! you can't talk underwater! plato, where's your father now? it's all right. so have you. not exactly. it's certainly huge. i don't know. hi. your hand's all wet and it's shaky. you're so funny. i don't know--you just are. leaving a light for plato. that was nice. are you? you don't need to do that. i know already. we don't have to pretend now. is this what it's like to love somebody? funny jimmy. you're so clean and you--this is silly. you smell like baby powder. i never felt so clean before. i love somebody. all the time i've been looking for someone to love me and now--i love somebody. and it's so easy. why is it easy now? i love you, jim. i really mean it. jim! jim! watch out! did he hit you? we have to go back! after he tried to shoot you? he needed you, maybe. so do i. you should have heard him talk about you tonight. like you were the hero in the china seas. they're killing him! hi, plato!