plato. nobody can help me. no, sir. i just went next door to look at them like i always do. they were nursing on their mother and i did it. i guess i'm just no good? i don't know. end up in the electric chair? in my mother's drawer. she's away. head-shrinker? hi. hi. you remember me? i'm sorry--i made a mistake. what? you shouldn't monkey with him. he's a wheel. so's she. it's hard to make friends with them. what does he know about man alone? excuse me. excuse me. i forgot something. i'll get a hitch. nothing. what's your name! plato. it's a nickname. listen, i told you not to fool with them. now they're waiting for you. you scared? he has a knife. no. it's perpetual motion. jim? they're still there! jim--do you think when the end of the world comes it'll be at night? if you don't want trouble, i know a place we can go-- it's a big mansion and we could sneak around there and they wouldn't even know. you could be safe-- there it is. should we go? jim! are you really going to meet them? what? he's not scared of you. i hitched. my personality's showing again. should i leave? yes. my best friend. oh, i don't know. you have to get to know him. he doesn't say much but when he does you know he means it. he's sincere. maybe next summer he's going to take me hunting with him--and fishing. i want him to teach me how and i bet he won't get mad if i goof. his name's jim. it's really james but he likes jim more. people he really likes--he lets call him "jamie." okay. jim! jim! come on, jim! we got to get out of here! get up! get up! come on! go on! move! why don't you come home with me? i mean nobody's home at my house--and i'm not tired, are you? i don't have many--people i can talk to. if you want to come we could talk and then in the morning we could have breakfast like my dad used to-- gee. if you could only have been my father. we could. o.k. g'night. i got to pick up my scooter. see you tomorrow. what do you want! listen, you guys ought to go home. the cops are cruising every-- my old man's got a gun. i have to go out. i have to warn him. where's jim? no. no, i don't. i know where-- hope i didn't bother you. goodnight. jim! it's me! they're looking for you!-- everybody! crunch and goon and everybody! i think they're going to kill you. they think you told the police on them. they--who's in there? help me in! i'm here. shut up. shut up. are you nuts? we're safe here. i hope. what do you think? isn't it crazy? don't give it a thought. only three million dollars a month! children? well, we really don't encourage them. they're so noisy and troublesome, don't you agree? shall i show you the nursery? it's far away from the rest of the house. if you have children--oh i hate the word!--or if you decide to adopt one--they can carry on and you'll never even notice. in fact, if you lock them in you never have to see them again, much less talk to them. it's wonderful that you understand so well--and so young too! you know the most wonderful feature about the nursery? there's only one key. come on! man, you're schizoid! isn't he schizoid? haven't you noticed your personality splitting? i had to go to a head-shrinker. i only went twice though. my mother said it cost too much, so she went to hawaii instead. i don't know but whatever it is, it's gone now. i mean i'm happy now. here. i came here before. when i was here? when i ran away. i used to run away a lot but they always took me back. mom and dad. i used to be in my crib and i'd listen to them fight. he's dead. he was a hero in the china sea. i did? well, he might as well be dead. what's the difference? save me! what you run out on me for! what you leave me alone for? i don't want you for my father! get away from me! no! i'm here. i've got a gun. i'm fine. you think the end of the world will come at nighttime, jim? why? here. why did you run out on me? you sure? no. can i keep it? my gun? i need it. you promised to give it back. why? come on! hi. who's that? i shot at one of them. those aren't my friends. make them go away. keep away from me! i don't believe you anymore!