what gang does he belong to? where's your mamma, honey? judy--we're ready for you now. what? what makes you think he hates you, judy? he makes you feel pretty unhappy? do you think your father means that? that one? is that why you were wandering around at one o'clock in the morning? you weren't looking for company, were you? did you stop to talk to anyone, judy? do you enjoy that? do you think you can get back at your dad that way? i mean sometimes if we can't get as close to somebody as we'd like we have to try making them jealous--so they'll have to pay attention. did you ever think of that? some kids stomped a man on twelfth street, judy. would you like to go home if we can arrange it? did you notify the parents? what's your number, judy? we'll see if your dad will come and get you. unless you really don't want to go home. would you rather stay here? your mother will be down in a few minutes, judy-- your mother will be down in a few minutes. she's being called for. goodbye, judy. take it easy. you don't? he's a minor, mr. stark, and it looks to me like he had more than a little drink. whoa! whoa! i know you're a little upset but-- what about you, jim? got anything to say for yourself? not interested, huh? outside, jim. come outside. excuse us a minute? grandma? hang loose, boy. i'm warning you. big tough character. you don't kid me, pal. how come you're not wearing your boots? too bad you didn't connect. you could have gone to juvenile hall. that's what you want, isn't it? sure it is. you want to bug us till we have to lock you up. why? no. go on--don't give me that. someone giving you hard looks? okay. okay. let it out. you feel like you want to blow your wheels right now? try the desk. that why you moved from the last town? 'cause you were in trouble? you can talk about it if you want to--i know about it anyway. routine check. you were getting a good start in the wrong direction back there. why did you do it? and your folks didn't understand? so then you moved? but you don't think that's a solution. things pretty tough for you at home? what? pretty mixed up? "if he could" what? you mean your father? chicken? you got me, jim--but they do. want some water? here. look, will you do something for me? if the pot starts boiling again, will you come and see me before you get yourself in a jam? even if you just want to talk--come in and shoot the breeze. it's easier sometimes than talking to your folks. any time--day or night. you calmed down enough to go back now? luck, jim. don't forget. no thanks, i don't smoke. no--thanks, very much, mr. stark. the planetarium? one kid inside-- five housebreaking in area. will proceed. there are some kids in trouble-- you'll have to go with me. as much as you do--loan me your mike, will you? i am addressing the boy in the planetarium. i am speaking to the boy inside. this is ray framek from the juvenile division-- you are now surrounded. you are surrounded by many armed police. whoever you are, drop your weapon and come outside. come outside. clasp your hands over your head and come outside quietly-- you sure? jim stark! i'm addressing jim stark. nobody will harm you or your friends if you follow these instructions. we are here to protect you. drop your guns and come outside. nobody will hurt you if you do as i say-- it's all right! it's all right!