all right, i am borokovski. i am here. i will need a computer with a cd-rom drive. and a pentium processor. nobody moves. it's like asking for a steam engine. it was all state-of-the-art in kazakhstan. we were cut off. still nobody moves. yob tyvou mot! that was part of its charm. you had to buy programs to check why the program you had already bought was not working. the company planned it this way. it was later discovered they owned all the companies that sold you the products to fix the product they had already sold you. look, there we go. like sea monkeys. but not as friendly. they all consider that. kinda bizarre but accurate. why is he speaking of brooklyn? da. she is going to burn fuel to rescue this man without enough to come home? i like this girl. i know where there is a rocket in uzbeckistan. for cheap. a friend of mine has kept it.