the bad news is it's directional, and most of it's going toward mars. sub-light speed. it'll take 40 minutes to get there. what do you want to do? no. ninety percent of the algae's gone. it's some kind of freak anomaly. mars is a dying planet. just like earth. he's right. you can walk across the south pole, long as you stay moving and you're wearing insulating clothing - the suits'll work - you can stay warm. but once they stop moving, without shelter, they're gonna die. has got to work before the sun sets again tomorrow and they freeze to death anyhow. and they're back. it blew up on attempted return. looking further afield, they find something else. this is insanity. a thirty-year-old lander built in a factory that doesn't exist anymore. they're hallucinating. we've thawed out three and four-million-year-old organisms from the permafrost in siberia and they've come back to life. it's possible. it could have sat there for millions of years since mars cooled. waiting. rode in on a frozen meterorite from anywhere. and waited. a voice chimes in from the corner - no! no, there's no fuel for maneuvering. stop her! skavlem shakes his head. not a chance. nor would she listen to him. we can get 'em back. slowly. fifty extra days. and we're not going to be able to support food and and air for two people. russert nods. motions to skavlem.