radio said negative five.
radio said.
i figured you walked outta there and saw me and walked right the other way --
saw my outfit or something, my coat --
saw me --
you are to me.
thought you wrote you had a mustache.
no, no, no. be like you want to be.
no --
no, c'mon --
you're better than the picture in my mind, nick.  you're real.
go to hell, nick mason, what's that supposed to mean --
well. you're not the first guy i wrote to. but you're the only one i kept writing to.
i told you, nick. remember?
all the guys i've ever been with.  they never want to know me. who i am on the inside. they just want to qet inside. when they do, they think that means they know who i am. that i trust them. that they know me. that there's nothing left to learn. a guy like you, nick -- six months before you can even touch my face. i figure a guy in that kind of bind, he's gonna hafta work to get to know me some other way.
not bad. just regular. you wrote me wonderful things, nick. personal things.
yes it was all you --
i'm talking about the heart, nick. i'm not talking about the words.
then he shoulda signed his name.
and he'd be here right now.
provisions! we are not leaving that motel room again till after new year's: we need ten days worth of provisions! what's good?!
this man.  has not had a cookie in two goddamn years! get him two of everything!
can't survive on our bodies alone, nick. hurry up!
yeah, well you wrote me you were six- foot-four, baby. so don't talk to me about little white lies.
you need a coat!
no boyfriend of mine is going to walk around in negative-five degree wind chill without a goddamn good- looking coat!
you got out, nick. you're here. you're my christmas.
you forget where i work?
fifty percent off, motherfucker. ho ho ho.
toys for adults. where are your toys for adults?
c'mon. how old are you, sixteen? c'mon.
i got fifty dollars to spend in your store, jesus of nazareth. can you help me or not?
thank you.
you know what i was thinking, after our holiday hideaway? instead of going back to detroit, maybe we could go gambling. y'know? drive up to that indian place you worked at. wouldn't that be fun? i haven't gone gambling in forever!
blackjack, nick, blackjack i am good at. i mean, they'd give us some free games or something, wouldn't they? since you worked there?
and the slots, slots i'm good at too. wouldn't that be fun?
we could live it up and --
i just.  i thought you'd have friends there.
well, they don't know what the hell they're missing.
baby, i'm gonna go tell 'em not to disturb us for the rest of the year. i get back in that room, you better be wearing nothing but a candy cane.
no, lover. i'll see what you can do.
watch out, baby! i'm bringing in the fucking tree!
i'm telling you, we got the best one in the store.  i don't know why people want their houses smelling like the stupid woods.
gabriel -- !
gabriel, what are you doing!
gabriel, let him go --
what are you doing here?!
gabriel, i love him!
don't hurt him.
please, gabriel, don't.
shh, nick, shh. they won't hurt you now. you're okay.
i won't let 'em, nick. they won't hurt you anymore.
he's not a bad person, nick.  he's not.
you're not gonna hurt him anymore!
since janey moved in.  gabriel.  he's come over more and more. to the apartment. janey's the divorced one, 'member, with the tit job --
he read the letters, nick. some day i wasn't there. he went through my room. he found your letters.
he knows you worked in that casino.
nick, no --
nick --
nick, what are you --
nick, i love you --
nick, it won't work. it won't work!
he'll kill you.
my brother's killed people, i know he has. truckers. if you talk him into thinking you're not you, you'll only get yourself dead.
nick, please, it's me --
no, nick, no --
i love you!
if you say that, if you keep saying that, they will kill you. if they think you're not you, they will kill you. don't you see? i know what you're doing, but it won't work!
i won't let him hurt you! he just wants what you know!
just tell him what you know, nick! that's all they want! and we'll get out of this!
he found them.  i swear, nick.  . he found them.
gabriel, you promised!
you promised me!
nick!!! nick!!! nooooo!!!
i love you.  nick, i love you.
gabriel! you said talk to him. that's all you ever said.
jack. jack bangs.
he said he wanted to talk to you. when he found the letters.  he said "when your boyfriend gets out, i wanna talk to him." i thought he meant back in detroit. i thought he meant --
i thought we'd have a few more days.
nick! he wants to know how to rob it, and he'll leave you alone! that's all he wants! i hate him, nick.  you know how.
not without you.
they run routes mostly east, retail stuff, warehouses. but gabriel knows some guys in new york, miami, guys he helps get guns to detroit. hides 'em with his regular loads.
no. he wants to be working for himself someday.
i don't think they've ever robbed anything before. i think they've just driven guns.
they're truck drivers.
we're gonna get out of here, nick. we're gonna get out of this.
if i'd told you what he wanted, you'd have been gone. you'd have gotten on that bus and stayed on it. and if that's selfish, i am. if that's lying, i'm a liar. but i been dealing with fucked-up brother and his fucked-up friends for a long time, and i was stronger than him then and i'm stronger than him now. 'cause he showed up for money. i showed up for love. and if you're so ready to make me your enemy.  then what did you show up for, nick. what did you really want.  with me.
get your goddamn hands off me --
so does it look a lot different?
that guy knows you?
be careful, nick.
hey nick! we're up fifty cents!
nick, what happened --
he started losing his hair.
nick! run! run!!!
nick, the ice is --
nick! jesus, nick --
nick, oh my god, what'd he do to you? what'd he do?
jesus christ, stay here, don't move, stay right here --
we'll get there, baby.  we'll get there.
shh, now. rest now. two years, nick. you haven't had cranberry buns in two years.
you saved my life. you could have run, but you didn't. you saved me.
i saved you because i love you, nick. why'd you save me?
i'm sorry, nick.  i'm so sorry.
i love you, nick.
i love you.
i don't know.
nick, what are you talking about?
part of.  with them?
yeah. what're you gonna do about it.
what's the matter, gabriel? this is what you wanted him for, isn't it?
he wants to see your map.
he says he wants it now.
how are we gonna do this, nick?
bullets or no bullets, he won't do it.
they all are. football's on.
and he's saying "we're not gonna help him just to walk away. if we're gonna help him.  we're gonna get it all.
he wants to help now, he wants to rob it now we could probably stay right here, he'd go on and rob it by himself --
no, baby. he wants me.
he wants.  your "sister".
nick mason's gonna help us more than we ever dreamed.
to all those cons.
we musta written what, twenty of 'em? and they were before this guy. one, two letters apiece, ten to the racetrack guy in leavenworth --
-- plus the forty to mason.  how many letters is that?
one more day, baby. one more day to christmas.
didn't have to hit me so fucking hard. didn't have to throw me outta the goddamn truck.
what, he should see me help you catch him?
he's shown us the setup, he's drawn us the map, he's helped us do the plan. he wants a gun, give him a gun. take the bullets out, whatever, but give him the gun. the more manpower we've got in there, the better. he won't try and make his move till the money's in hand.
mmm, baby. and i'd still want to be the tinsel round your tree.
merry christmas-eve, my love. my love, my love. merry christmas-eve.
where should we go, nick? when we're gone from here.  where should we go.
we go together, nick. wherever.  we go together. remember?
three minutes.
where's the fucking cash, nick!
move, move, move!
you.  you.  you --
your turn.
you shouldn't have.
who wouldn't.
merry christmas, rudy.
merry christmas.
what are you talking about?
i.  you told me your name was rudy. you told me a million times, back in the truck, telling me you weren't nick --
you were screaming you weren't nick! and we just didn't fucking believe you!
you said it a million times!
i missed you too, nicky baby.
for your information. i never fuck the wrong guy.