merlin and jumpy stride out to join gabriel and pug. ashley follows, stumbling to keep up. gabriel pushes ashley into the nova and peals out of the parking lot. onto reservation roads. rudy scrambles out, heads to try another car, a pickup truck. and then suddenly drops to the ground, seeing rudy jumps from the blazer, looks at the lot, the highway, the woods. his own footprints in the dusting snow. rudy flings open the blazer door, slams the emergency brake down. forces the gearshift into "reverse." rudy darts to the front of the blazer, slipping and sliding on asphalt ice. he drops to his knees, pushing on the front bumper. the blazer starts to roll backwards, toward the snowy shrubs ringing the building. headed for the empty parking space below rudy's window. rudy keeps pushing. the blazer picks up speed, rolling on its own. the blazer rolls toward the building. rudy scrambles to his feet, runs after it, leaps his left foot onto the bumper, the right foot onto the hood, then onto the roof -- ashley's eyes on her watch. nods to merlin and pug: ashley waits in the nova, checking her watch. behind her a red wrangler rolls in and parks. a fire chief and his deputy, just off-duty, stroll toward the casino, laughing. -- as the firemen hear the gunfire, pulling holstered pistols --