there's an s-word i'd really like to throw in the discussion here, guys, cause it's a big part of what's going on. big element, 'kay? s-word. it's a serious issue, serious factor, so i'm just gonna get it out there, throw it an out there, so we can know it, we can talk about it, we can get things done. snow. are you with me, guys? snow. big time, fucking, grade-a, god- quality, s-n-o-w-snow. there's no snow in vegas, 'kay? they don't know it, they don't want it, they got laws against the stuff. they got egypt down there, right, they got monte carlo, hawaii, they got ancient rome, but where's the winter castle, right? where's the swiss miss chalet? where's the big fucking igloo? capades? they don't do it. mittens? outlawed. why? because down there this is money. up here this is heat. you wanted vegas quality, i brought it to you. you wanted vegas press, i gave it to you. but guys, please, guys. i can't get you vegas profits. till one of ya does some spirit dance and does something about this snow. the paiutes, they cook their books. seventeen? i'm bringing in this great showroom act next week; these three russian girls, they look like meryl streep, they can juggle anything. guys. we're doing it right, here. $5.99 prime rib? nobody does that in michigan. nobody. i'm putting liquor in the drinks, i'm giving 10-times odds on craps, i got the girls showing sixteen-percent more skin! show me another buffet's gonna offer you coke and pepsi! whaddya want me to do?! gimme a goddamn bottle of anything. i can't go back to vegas, bear. they'll fuckin' kill me, 'kay? i can't go back. they want gold-paved roads is what they want. talking 'bout the fuckin' paiutes. fuckin' paiutes are on the interstate. nothing i can do about that, man, i didn't pick the spot for your reservation. yeah, yeah, whatever. hey. hey, cowboy. jack bangs, i run the place. nice to have you in the tomahawk. tell me something. does upstate michigan need another roadside casino or does upstate michigan need an international gaming destination? well, so how'd you hear about this place, then. word-of-mouth? mass mailings? cable tv? prison?! i can't go back to vegas, bear. i can't. aw fuck. and all through the house. not a creature was stirring. why don't you go ahead and send most of your guys home, ed. hell. nobody even comes here to cheat. hell, there we go. that's the spirit. no. not here. please. mister. mister. i'm begging, 'kay? i'm begging. this is not some card club, 'kay? this is the tomahawk. we're an international gaming destination. we're in guidebooks. you can't do this. you can't do this to me. i can't go back to vegas. i can't. go back. i don't know. what you're. what. powwow. i don't steal any -- nick. mason. ? so where is he? he's not nick mason. nick mason. worked for me two years ago. this man. . he's some cowboy. i can't go back to vegas. veeeeggggaaaassss!!! i can't! go back! i can't! go back! i can't! go back! that's why they call it gambling.