the problem with prison. is that it is founded on the fundamentally flawed perception of rehabilitation through punishment. a society can't hope to create a "changed man" by surrounding him with the worst in his fellow man; what it "rehabilitates" is solely a conviction that if he can survive the inhumanity of prison, what then, can he not withstand? he has seen man's darkest soul and kept his sight: what is left for such a man? what faith? what fear? don't get no blood on my boots -- i've read where the retail industry does fifty percent of its business between december 1st and december 25th. half the year's business, in one month's time. it seems to me an intelligent society would legislate a second such gift-giving holiday, create, say, a christmas two -- late may, early june -- to further stimulate growth and prosperity. for who would protest such a holiday? taking the fifty percent model, a christmas two would grow this country's annual per capita income by close to one-third. the powwow safe? what happened? trouble. what about the powwow safe? the powwow safe. the secret safe. you said the manager's got a safe in his office where he hides skim money. with his girlfriend. making up for "nick" time. i'm going down to the bar, you want something? cheeseburger 'n bacon's mine -- nick. it's true that indian gaming's gone a long way toward restoring wealth and pride to communities who've been economically isolated and enslaved for centuries. stronger infrastructure, better schools, higher employment. they're all the results of reservation casino success stories. still, many natives believe that these are temples to a godless materialism and greed that will only infect the souls of indigenous peoples until their love of money has destroyed the spiritual values their ancestors died to protect and their homelands have become no different from any united states suburb, satellite city or industrial park. destroying the indian legacy once and for all and leaving behind a nation of selfish, angry natives, of which i, it's true, am one -- hi, santa claus, how are you. he's with sears, i'm with wal-mart, twas the season. bunch of us got together for the union party. hey, how late are you open? blackjack. got a buddy from woolworth's out parking the sleigh. how are you tonight? jack and coke. woolworth's! saved you a seat, man. get in on a hand here! could fat-man-with-flying-horse get some quarters, please? step back from the desks! what the hell is with this place? thought the video room was back there --