what's the first thing, man? what's the first thing you're gonna do? hell you haven't. we walk outta here, we hit that road, what's the first thing you're gonna do. three days, man. fuckin' christmas, man. fuckin, christmas on the outs. what? and a slice of pecan pie, right? she's gonna be out there, man. right there. right there waiting. gonna walk out of this shitstorm and right into her arms. got us a motel out highway 5, bringing her own damn sheets, you read that part? silk damn sheets. lock ourselves in the whole week, drinking wine, taking baths, man, see if they got those room service steaks. anything i want to do. remember when she wrote that? anything i want. why you gotta say a thing like that. why you gotta. we were gonna give you a ride someplace, man. now i just don't know. fuck your hot chocolate, rudy. i'm gonna marry this girl. hey, hey, listen here. "i've made my list and i've checked it twice, and as long as you're naughty, it's gonna be nice. these cold winter weeks have been killing me, nick, as i lie here alone. it's not enough to have your warmth in my heart anymore; i need your warmth next to me. work at penney's has been busy because it's christmas and that's when we do almost half of our business for the whole year -- ", okay, whatever, whatever -- " -- my manager's still mad at me for asking for the whole week off," whatever, whatever -- here we go. "and all that gets me through the day is to close my eyes and imagine holding you, and kissing you, and touching you, and tasting you everywhere because i know at that moment, i'll feel i've found the reason for my whole entire life." yeah. you grow up in detroit, you get matured real quick. sure as hell don't make me miss millie bobek. guess i owe millie, though. if i hadn't been rollin, her, i woulda never ended up here. and i woulda never met ashley. that's the world for ya. me and her got a connection. read this part. read the part about stuffing her stocking. no, i think that's just oranges. she writes here she's eating oranges. shoulda written to that magazine, rudy. i'm gonna walk outta here, walk right into a relationship. not some one-nighter, man. a relationship. you? you're gonna walk outta here with bus fare. searching for the drunkest skirt in the room. shoulda written, rudy. shoulda got yourself a girl. thought you hated sidnaw. thought you hate your old man. well, man. me and ashley. we'll be thinking about you. don't look like he missed the sunlight. aw, rudy. what the fuck is this? what's this shit in it? just so you know, this man and i are outta here in two days. so while we're inhaling london broil and lobster bisque, you're gonna still be standing here smelling up the mystery creamfuck. who's in prison now? two days. so maybe after our week beneath the sheets, we'll head down to motor city for new year's. she says her roommate's skipping town for a few days, have the place to ourselves. remember how her brother's a truck driver down there? i'm thinking he might be able to help get me some work. no, i'm through with that shit. ashley's right. gotta start doing something i got a stake in. get a business going. hotwiring cars, rudy, does not qualify as a small business. chop shop consultant; doesn't work on a resume. ashley's talking about maybe we can start something up together. whatsa matter, zook? just a roach, zook. it's a roach, guy -- oh, man -- fuckin, zookerman -- rudy, don't move -- don't move, rudy! ate the jello, jello was fine! rudy, look out! alamo. jesus, rudy -- oh, fuck, rudy. oh jesus. ash. ashley. tell her. i'll be there . tell ashley. i. be with her. for christmas. rudy, man, here we go, here, what she wrote here: "the car's waiting. the motel's waiting. and i'm waiting. i've waited for so long. i'm burning for you, nick. my whole body. my whole heart. i'm burning for you" merry christmas, rudy. i missed you, beautiful. oh, hey. have you two been properly introduced? sweetness, this is rudy duncan, i did almost a year with him in the mountain. read him all your letters, talked about you all the time, made him feel like he really knew you. my friend. wantcha to meet millie bobek. 'member millie bobek, dontcha? my girlfriend fore i went in? worked at that bar in motor city, where i manslaughtered that guy? hell. didn't talk about her much once the ashley letters started coming, i guess. millie here used to serve drinks to these gunrunning truckers, real big talkers, talking bout a real score one day. i was in the mountain, man, what the hell, why not let her get friendly with 'em? let her tell 'em an idea she had, 'bout writing guys in prison. getting one who could show 'em a sure thing. why not have her pretend to find me? pretend to write me and reel me in? tell her new trucker-man she'd pose as some sister of his named ashley? always wanted to rob that casino, rudy. way back when i worked there. what better way than to get some guys to rob it for me. paid the alamo ten bucks to put the shiv in me. he's a lifer, what does he care. paid a hospital guard fifty to put out the story i was dead. once the wound healed up. got out of the mountain this morning. and tonight i'm a rich man. do what? because every time i read her letters, rudy. you listened. keep your gun on him. five santas walked into that tomahawk, rudy. that's what the witnesses'll say. so we gotta have five santas not walk out. gotta have five. this'll burn right away. in the fire. hell, you never needed to convince ashley you were me. just the dumb fucking truckers. i figured i'd talked enough about the tomahawk in the pen for you to get by -- hm. well. they'd have killed you if you weren't me, rudy. we knew you'd start convincing 'em soon enough. they had the weapons and the willpower. we just gave them their inside man. i gave them me. said some nice things about me, rudy. i appreciate it. but don't worry. i do love her. and she loves me. you had that right all along. sweetness! let's light up the tree! goodbye, rudy! nice spending time with you! rudy. help me. rudy. rudy! rudy! help me!!!