i owe ya a drink, ya fuck -- watch your mouth, man. it's christmas. he's not the guy, monster. whole time you were driving, he was telling her he's not the guy, he's not the guy. i know why he'd tell us he's not the guy. why's he telling her he's not the guy? what if he's not the guy? start talkin that's what it looks like! map is kinda dirty, monster. so what? goddamn, merlin. there any part of the day you don't smoke? cancer-sucker. where the hell's your sister? that motherfucker -- knew a guy in joliet, smoked ten packs a day like you. his lungs got so black they couldn't find 'em with an x-ray. hell. the guy from joliet, those black-ass lungs were the least of his problems. got so much smoke in him his lungs couldn't even hold it. got into his system, man. into his blood. coming out his ears, man, coming out his eyes. guy'd be walking the row, smoke'd be puffing out his skin. my guy would walk into a room, set off the goddamn sprinklers. without having them hit the alarms. okay, who had the cheeseburger with bacon; what about a roast beef, i've got two roast beefs here -- i got a bacon for him and a bacon for me; there's four cheeseburgers and two roast beefs -- what's the security code to the count room? nick said security code!