i'm on my way to get the last piece out of storage right now. you will be after tomorrow night. what the. ? no, it can't be. damn. beauregard! you scared me half to death. someone broke into this room. doesn't look like it. we're damned lucky. this statue is priceless. mbwun. a south american warrior deity. he carries a powerful curse. every member of the expedition that found this statue, died. the claws are sharp. i must have cut myself. better move these crates to the secure storage area where they'll be safe. why not? this has been a tragic and upsetting morning. i have terrible news for us all. a member of our security force has been found murdered. the police have just informed me it was daniel beauregard. quiet. please. with the help of our head of security, mr. ippolito. the museum has been secured. the police are satisfied we're in no danger, that we're all perfectly safe. we've been asked to remain in the gem room and be available for questioning for the rest of the day. obviously, we will all do everything we can to cooperate. are there any questions? no action has been taken yet. the opening of the exhibit is crucial to the financial health of this museum. so for now, we expect that the superstition exhibit will open on schedule, tomorrow night. beauregard. i can't believe it. i may have been the last one to see him alive. he was with me just yesterday, when i got out the statue of mbwun. i got the relic out yesterday to put on display. beauregard was there. the crates had been broken into and the contents were strewn about. but nothing was missing. it was downright weird. we joked that it was the curse of mbwun. i'm not laughing now. all i know is, everyone who has come in contact with that relic, is dead. if you like them, they're for sale. another day like yesterday and half the collection will be on the block. we've been operating in the red for years. that was the whole idea behind the superstition exhibit. it was designed to pull people in. we've spent every penny we have on advance publicity, betting everything on the opening's success. if we postpone at the last minute. no. i don't want to think about that. i appreciate that. do they have to wear uniforms? i don't want to scare people. it's too late now. guests are arriving. the mayor's car is pulling up. you haven't got the authority. only pendergast can pull the plug. he'll be back. relax. we're in good shape. your security is air tight. there've been no more incidents, nothing suspicious. there's no reason to call off the opening now. thank you everyone and welcome. we're glad all of you were willing to brave the inclement weather to be with us tonight. our special thanks to his honor, the mayor and his lovely wife. some people have questioned whether a superstition exhibit belongs in a museum of science. spells, incantations, demons, magic. these are forces that defy the natural laws. superstition provides answers to the great questions based on fear. science provides answers to the great questions based on truth. science and superstition, then, are polar opposites. mortal enemies, if you will. and that is why we are here tonight. we have come to learn more about the enemy, and thus to bring about its defeat. for every good, there is an evil, for every dark, a light. and so tonight. my friends, i give you ignorance, terror, unreasoning fear, pure evil. have a great time. here we have a very rare sacrificial table from mesoamerica. the priests would kill the victim on this slab, cut out the heart and eat it while it was still beating. kid will love it. they're our target audience. nothing here is as violent as what they see on t.v. oh. my. god. what's going on? i'd do it gladly but someone needs to stay with these people. it went out the door to the rotunda! sweet jesus! my office is on the third floor! there's a walk-in safe and a portable phone! we can lock ourselves in the safe and call for help! i'm leaving. whoever wants can come with me. solid oak. two inches thick. tell me they'll hold. i got it after i was mugged in the subway last spring. behind you. i'll do it. just let me find my portable phone. calm down. i found it! battery's dead. shit. that thing won't come after us, right? it's going for bigger game. the group blundering around in the basement. poor fools. just a minute. i'm shaking! take the gun. oh god! i dropped my rabbit's foot! to the left twice then five no. sorry. i think it's fifteen. it's been a while. eight to the right! look! i found it!