don't touch anything until the s.o.c. has finished with those stairs. keep everyone clear of the perimeter. i don't want any contamination. there's an incredible amount of blood evidence down here. we need more light. where's the photographer? tell him to quit eating donuts, i need him. who are you? the undertaker? vince d'agosta. am i out? what's left of it. we need light in here, stat. careful. that mess on the ground is brains. night watchman who found the body. sweet old man. been tossing his cookies for over an hour. not a likely suspect. woof. get a life. can't really focus on birds at the moment, pendergast. i'm tryin' to keep my breakfast down. i drink. after hours of course. on duty, i smoke. do you mind? then you won't like this one. it's a piece of shit. call me vince. who didn't? big news. out of brazil, wasn't it? so the method of death is the only connection? it better be good. no. you're kidding. hi. i'm lieutenant d'agosta. you can call me vince. this is special agent pendergast. you can call him. special agent pendergast. so. tell us about this monster. i can see that. beauregard? i've got to admit, that was a damn sight better than "the dog ate my homework". they heard the victim's name and wove him into their story. nice touch. you think what we've got here is a monster as big as a house that smells. like hamburger? oh. sorry dr. ziewzic. this is special agent pendergast. pendergast, dr. ziewzic. she runs the best chop shop in new york. it's been one of those days. what happened to them? saliva test? you mean, you think someone ate part of the brain? long fingernails? scratches? sweet jesus. i don't like animals. never have. dog bit me when i was little. after that i gave up on pets. animals are irrational. give me a psychotic killer any day. if there's one thing that makes me queasy it's being part of a food chain. my first case as a rookie, two brothers climbed a fence at the zoo. it was late august. over ninety. the polar bear was inside his cave. kids didn't know he was in there. all they saw was the pool. they got to swimming and splashing. the noise woke up the bear. by the time i arrived, both little boys were in pieces. the bear was dragging one kid around by the foot. i can still hear the mother screaming -- you've been holding out on me pendergast. you have a suspect capable of this? we all love the museum. i come here myself with my kids. we're trying to work with you. what's that? this place is a maze. my kind of art. my favorite is the two camels. man, that's ripe. holy shit. the lid of this crate is scratched with claw marks, just like the door. look. it's some kind of letter. pardon my french, but bull shit. how big is the sub-basement? i think i should come with you. the cops are non-negotiable, ippolito. why don't you just tell me how this space station works. that's great if you're stopping a burglar. not our goal here. are there motion detectors? that would leave one exit for hundreds of people. you'd be violating every fire regulation on the books. we'll guard the perimeter with my men and engage the motion detectors in the other cells. one more question. i see a big hole. if this entire thing is run by computer, what happens if the power fails? i'm telling you, something's wrong. i still haven't heard from pendergast. i think you should call it off. i'll go down and speak to him. pendergast may be in trouble. don't you understand? he still hasn't come back. it's been over three hours -- what is it? got my hands full here. mcnitt? d'agosta here. i'm heading to the evolutionary bio labs. any sign of pendergast? goddamn it. i'll get ippolito and send him up. damn. there's some kind of problem in the computer room. i have to go get ippolito. you wait here. there's a dead body in the exhibit! people are panicking, trampling each other trying to get out. what the hell is going on?! what doors? you said the system couldn't fail! ippolito! get back here! great. we'll get out safely if everyone stays calm. is anyone else hurt? is there a doctor? check this woman and see if anyone else needs you. where's pendergast? both of you. get back here. get back now! there's some kind of animal loose in the museum. pendergast's alone. he needs help. i want volunteers to go with me. all right. you're elected. bailey, get all the guns and flashlights, give the mayor your walkie talkie so we can keep in touch. cuthbert, keep everyone together and make sure they stay quiet. what's your name? all right. you guard these people and your daughter. bailey, we'll go first and check the stairwell. jonathan, you and greg guard the door. hold on. i thought i saw something. whoa. you smell that? bailey!!! jonathan! don't let it get into the hall! where is it?! somebody tell me! where is it now? on three. one, two. three. jonathan! get everyone behind me! get everyone into the stairwell! get his gun and his walkie talkie, jonathan. move. i have to help pendergast. kawakita and jonathan stay with me. the rest of you can go with cuthbert! wait! jonathan, go with him! he isn't armed. where the hell are you? it's a little late, you son of a bitch. there's a friggin' monster loose in here! get the fbi, the fire department. find metal cutters, cut through. and bring a cannon. the damn thing is huge. i know. pendergast! over here! pendergast! help! it's right behind us! step back! it's no use. we have to get out of here! give them your walkie talkie. the sub-basement? how much ammo do we have to make a stand? oh shit. i smell it. it's here. everybody. get behind me. that's it, let's go! pendergast. we made it. you all right? all right. kawakita, cover the rear. damn. it's getting deep. see anything? pendergast? i made the right hand fork. we're already in about three feet of water. where should we go? hello! frank! are you all right! run! on three. one. two. i think you took its tonsils out! this way! at least we'll be dry. not so loud. all right everybody, hold up! we don't know what's in there. let me go first. what does it say? what's that doing here? i'd say we're in its home. the sub-basement, huh? great idea. shouldn't a drug that powerful be destroyed?