you're late, vince. oh yes! who could forget. afterwards you sent me that amazing case of chateau lafitte. lovely bouquet. after our last case, vince took me out for a draft beer. as i recall we split the check. shall we get down to it, then? this is dr. matilda ziewzic, assisted by dr. frederick gross. it's oct. 28, six fifteen p.m. we are joined by lieutenant vincent d'agosta of the nypd, special agent pendergast of the fbi and a police photographer. let's see what we've got. caucasian male. age about 27. blond. height well i can't give a height because mr. beauregard has been decapitated. the state of the body is such that other identifying marks are out of the question. there are numerous lacerations proceeding from the left anterior pectoral downwards through the sternum and terminating in the abdomen. this is a massive wound, two feet long and a foot wide. the head has suffered severe trauma and the occipital portion of the calavarium has been crushed and removed. it almost looks like. what are we talking about here? right. the entire brain appears to have been extracted. may i see it, please? curious. there's something missing. yes. two organs the size of a walnut have been removed with what looks like surgical precision.