the party for the opening of the superstition exhibit. i imagine in the light of what's happened it will be pushed back. this huge police presence tonight isn't necessary, lieutenant. you'll just scare people off. i can handle the security behind scenes with this system. it's state of the art. it's fool proof, basically. i designed this whole thing myself. every valuable object in the museum carries a small electronic chip. if anything's moved so much as an inch, we get an alarm pinpointing the exact location of the attempted theft. in every exhibition room. the museum's divided into five cells. the reception and exhibit are in cell five. we could arm the motion detectors in cells one to four, then seal the perimeter with our fire doors. you don't know much about computers, lieutenant. there are safeguards built in. we have back-up systems with redundancies. there's no way these computers can fail. quiet everyone! the whole system is shutting down! we have to get out quickly before the fire doors fall! i told you! they seal off all the cells. they were designed to fall automatically in a system failure -- like hell! all right everyone. i'm in charge. status report. d'agosta? ippolito. come in. i made it outside. i'll co-ordinate the rescue efforts from here. help is on the way. just sit tight. panic attack. d'agosta, put on the mayor. this is ippolito, head of museum security. relieve d'agosta and take command. all right. the steel doors are designed to retard cutting. we can go through them, but it would take hours. co-ordinate with the fire department and swat teams. move. then do it. holy shit. pull him up. get more guns! now! get back! we're going to shoot! kill that thing! kill it now! it's headed for the roof. run!