the dogs are picking up something, mr. pendergast. the dogs have lost the scent, mr. pendergast. maybe we should head back. they've got something. heel argo! hobbes! heel! they're going crazy! i need help! he's loose! argo! holy mother, what is that? argo! come! no! hobbes! argo! hobbes! you shot my dog! my dog. i'm not going anywhere! not without my dog! hobbes! there's something out there! let's go get it now! that's why we came down here, isn't it? look. it's hobbes! he's all right. it's alright. i can tell by the way the dog's acting that whatever was out there is gone. what is this place? oh. my. god! hallelujah, pendergast. where the hell are we now? jesus, what is this? oh no. i smell it. lieutenant d'agosta! don't shoot. five flights down. we were lost in the sub-basement. something's down there. it killed our two deputies. when i left pendergast it was coming back. he sent me for help. we have to hurry. oh jesus. don't point it at me. just aim and shoot. lieutenant! get back! i don't know! it hit me hard. where's the walk-in safe? what's the combination? forget it! let's go! hurry up! for chrissake, i'll do it. what's the combination?! oh jesus. fifteen. what's next? it's okay, hobbes. we'll be all right. help has got to come eventually. we'll make it. we'll be fine. hey! wake up! you first. you wouldn't believe me if i told you. what is it, boy? i think we're going home. hello! we're over here! we're fine. i don't know about the people downstairs. in the hall of the heavens. the basement. you'll need help. there's a monster down there.