third from the end! right shoulder. aleut, provenance unknown. if i spent half the time on my fractal evolution thesis that i spend on this fly rod, i'd have my phd. margo, you haven't heard? frock's been fired. i'm sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings, but you know me. telegraph. telephone. tell kawakita. i got the definitive word from cuthbert's secretary. this is dr. frock's last week. someone's been murdered. not shot, strangled or stabbed, either. torn limb from limb. there's talk of a psychotic killer or even an animal. with all this bad publicity, it's no wonder he looks like that. what's that? before eight? you must be joking. she's in the physical anthro lab making up for lost time. what do you make of it, margo? lizard dna and human dna on the same strand? impossible. the sample must be contaminated. try dr. frock. he's the curator of plant biology. all the curators have keys. and he knows every inch of this museum. the rest of us still get lost. and they smell delicious. taste great. i can handle that for you while we're waiting on the g.s.e. what kind of egg is it? i guess you're not interested in this plant anymore, but the chemical analysis is done. frock reads the computer over greg's shoulder. these plant fibers are loaded with hormones! 4-monoxytocin is. "a hormone secreted by the human hypothalamus gland." so what? eats them? down that hallway. but don't stay long. you don't want to be here alone. lieutenant! it's me. dr. green has to see you! it's important. please. you have to come! pendergast, too. she's found out something. what happened?! me too. excuse me. could you tell me how this thing works? it's still back there! is dr. frock safe! you're asking me? i don't even know how to load this thing. oh shit. i think it's gone. holy shit. i believe in you a hundred percent, vince, but that's the second time we've been at that intersection. what's that? dr. john whittlesley. i don't know. i thought dr. whittlesley died in south america. what is that? dear god. where are we, lieutenant? margo green. have you seen her? got to finish this thesis sometime. not today. besides, i think the director of the museum is expecting you.