any of your men go on board? could you please take me to the officer in charge? special agent pendergast. fbi. not at all. i think we may be working on the same case. if so, i could use your help. the body? mind if i have a look? where's the head? whose footprints? yes, i'd say we're definitely working on the same case. an original roger tory peterson of a red-breasted merganser. amazing. i have a copy of this in my office at home. in this violent world, i believe the only way to stay sane is to take time to notice beautiful things. not at all. i enjoy the smell of a good cigar. lieutenant -- did you read about a boat that washed up outside of new orleans about four months ago? twelve bodies on board. yes. that's my case. now it's yours. all the corpses were badly mutilated in a very particular way. decapitated. brains extracted. limbs torn to shreds. it looked like the work of a large animal, but there was no sign of an animal on board. no. there's more. there were crates from this museum in the hold of the boat. if you don't mind, this could be important. unfortunately, no. how did you get away? a guard? do you remember his name? how do you explain the part about beauregard? i believed them. no. i think what we've got here is a psychotic killer wielding some kind of unusual weapon. who wants us to believe he's a monster. we've met. the hacksaw murders. '89. i hope you liked it. someone who makes the hacksaw murderer look like mother teresa. the thalamus and the hypothalamus, perhaps? if you don't mind a suggestion, you might try a saliva test. correct. this isn't an animal, vince. i've been on this case four months, remember? i've learned a few things. let me tell you about it, vince. excuse me. has dr. green left? dr. green? special agent pendergast. fbi. forgive me. i guess i was snooping. what is this? how does it work? no. i came to talk about dr. john whittlesley. maybe not. you have time to talk? dr. whittlesley was last seen in belem, venezuela a week after the rest of his expedition disappeared. a taxi driver drove him to the harbor where he boarded a cargo boat. that boat washed up in my district. everyone on board was killed. disappeared. his body wasn't among the victims. the people killed were mauled and their brains were eaten. just like beauregard. one part of the brain was extracted with surgical precision. the hypothalamus and thalamus to be exact. you loved him. you were going to be married. i ran an internet search on dr. whittlesley. got a list of his scholarly articles and the engagement announcement in the times. i also found a record of your restraining order. you were afraid of him, weren't you? tell me about the last expedition. what was he looking for? a monster? what happened? what if whittlesley arrived on the tepui and no monster was there? was he desperate enough to create one? something came up in autopsy tonight. imbedded in beauregard's body we found a claw. i don't think so. i think we were meant to think it was mbwun. did whittlesley's monster have claws? would you mind showing it to me? where would we find it? all right. i'm as macho as you are. perhaps. dr. green! dr. green! what happened? i heard you calling and i ran after you, but you kept disappearing and i couldn't keep up. where did you see it? all right. if you're positive. stay in formation together. take it room by room. check for footprints, any signs of disturbance. if you see or hear anything the least bit suspicious, i want to know. bailey's going to be in the guard house outside. officer van dorn is right down that hall. when mcnitt's done, he'll relieve you. dr. green. they're all heavily armed. what was it? i had no idea the museum had a complete collection of piranesi's forum sketches. i've read about the museum's financial troubles. if the party goes forward, and that's a big if. i've arranged for a large police presence. yes. i understand. but mr. cuthbert, we've got bigger problems. depending on what we find today, we may have to shut you down. that would jive with what we got from the preliminary dna read-out. here, have a look. genetic damage? we need someone to take us to the secure storage area. thank you for taking the time to help us with this, dr. frock. how many storage areas are there? do you mean dr. whittlesley? and failed. these doors are solid steel. i wouldn't be so sure. this must be the one that held the statue. let's see what else is inside. read it out loud. i think the scratches were put there to scare us. perhaps even lead us to this note. you said john whittlesley made a study of your blueprints of the museum. are there any hidden rooms or staircases? places where someone could hide? where is that? you said you had plans of the museum. could we see them, please? apparently it's huge. we haven't got time. you have to meet with museum security so we can make a decision about tonight. these plans indicate there's a walled over entrance to the sub- basement right around here. hard to read in this light. the ink is so faded. not yet. let's try the fork to the left. keep the light up. i can't see. shut them up! stop! quiet! forget the dogs. you two, get back here. don't point that gun at me. get back! now! he's right. follow me. i'm ordering you! cover me! come on. let's get back to the others. we can't leave them alone. not on the map. looks like it connects with the city sewer. we're coming back! identify yourself! who's there? quiet. stay calm. i know where we are now. we're getting out, jonathan. this should be another door. another storage room. something's happened. the power's out. all right. i know where we are. this is the osteo prep lab. i was in here earlier. we're safe now. keep the animal quiet. go out the other doorway. there's a stair at the end of the hall. up five flights is a corridor that leads to the hall of the heavens. find lieutenant d'agosta. bring help. halt! margo! frock! it's coming! run! no. i think i'm hallucinating. gone. no. a chromium alloy tipped .45 caliber bullet bounced off that thing's skull like a spit ball. i think it was bothered by my light. i don't know how to deal with this. it's hellish. like nothing i ever saw. i'm not trained to deal with a monster, a supernatural creature like that. but this isn't the jungle! this is new york. how did it get here? a thing like that crossed two continents. it makes no sense! i don't believe it. but what can we do? our guns are useless -- all clear. you'd slow us down and put margo in danger. he's right. footsteps! where are you? who's there? that was d'agosta. vince! this door's locked. try shooting the hinges off. no. the planetarium is in the next cell. this is one of the fire doors. vince? there's no way we can get to you with the fire doors down. there's an entrance to the sub- basement in the hall off the north side exit. i've been down there. it links up to the old sewer system. i can guide you out. go out the north exit! there's a hallway and a false wall by the greek vases. run! hide quickly! buy them some time. hey you big tub of lard! over here! come on, you smelly pile of refuse. come get me. i dare you! it's scared of me. drop the fibers! what happened? it didn't want the fibers. what does that mean? then it won't go after the others? for what? we're fine. take the left fork behind you. you'll be in a straight passage. when the hall forks again in fifty yards go right. then radio back. vince? can you hear me? vince! how? it's deceptively simple. like a bruckner symphony or a matisse. oh god! help! it's coming. run. we're not going to make the storage room! please, no! don't hurt margo! run! what? i don't believe it. whatever that thing is, we have to kill it! i have to shoot. he has to look here or i won't get a clear shot. call him, margo. you have to. do it now! she's over here. nice to see you, lieutenant. i'm in town on a case. dropped by to see vince and we thought we'd see the new display. dr. frock, i was wondering. what happened to the rest of whittlesley's plants? we did the right thing, margo.