faster! we won't make it. do you? thank god. i need to speak to the captain! where is he? get your hands off me! i'm trying to save your lives, you fools! yes. thank christ somebody speaks english. i'm dr. john whittlesley. you have some crates of mine on board. they were shipped by mistake to the natural history museum. we have to get them off the boat. no. let me explain. i was on an expedition for the museum on the upper xingu. something horrible happened. i'm the only one who got out alive. i lost everything, my i.d., everything. i have to make sure no one else dies. the crates, the crates were sent out before we knew. there's something unspeakable inside. if your boat leaves harbor with those crates on board, i can't be responsible. my god, if they reach new york. no! i'm not crazy! as god is my witness, i'm telling the truth. don't do this! you have to believe me. your lives are in danger. cash. cash, you see? american money. no! no. no.