good evening from the big o here in washington d.c. where the mighty dallas cowboys take on the cinderella washington 'scabskins' as they have come to be known. hi, i'm al michaels and we are witnesses to a unique matchup tonight as shane falco and a contingent of strike players go up against the entire regular squad of the dallas cowboys. yes, you heard right: every cowboy has now crossed the picket line, some as late as this afternoon, and they will all play tonight. can a rag tag group of hasbeens and castoffs stand up to what was once called america's team? and what about the strike itself? it has been so ineffective that many predict it will be over before this game ends. stay tuned as boomer and dan join me for strike ball, d.c. style. that is one very big leg on lou pacifico. he's a big reason why this strike team is two and 0. easy, guys. that's the end of the okay, let's join chris berman with our half- time show. chris? what's wrong with you guys?! stop it! at nine-forty eastern time, the agreement was reached, and except for this upcoming second half, the strike is history. well, this is a first. shane falco seems to be. here we go, first and ten for the redskins. twenty-four zip dallas. whoa! flags fly everywhere! i've never seen anything like this! first and ten at the cowboy twenty and i'm telling you, we are looking at a totally different team here in the second half. i love when you guys agree. touchdown, skins! what a fluke! one minute twenty remaining, and even though dallas didn't score, they sure ate up a lot of the clock. and for pacifico, that's anything up to sixty-five yards. that's good for twelve yards. the clock stops on the first down. the redskins have no time- outs left. wilkinson throws it away, and with twelve seconds remaining, the redskins will try a forty-eight yard field goal to tie it up. that's almost a chip shot for pacifico. it's a fake! falco has it! falco scores! wait a minute. wait a minute. we've got a flag down.