annabelle farrell, head redskinette. i'm in charge. of the redskinettes. the cheerleaders? i've been watching you. you look good. you look strong. good quick release. smart. you read defenses quickly. you're gonna do great. i saw your second concussion. the one if there's anything you need, let me know. and i mean anything, okay? you understand? they put you up at the hilton? good. remember: anything. you got it? okay? mcginty, i mean. my theory is he came out of retirement to see if he could win with losers. oh, shit. i'm sorry. i didn't mean. like after that sugar bowl game? i guess you could survive anything after that. my dad. he's a huge redskin fan. for years. he's in his twenty-ninth year at the senate office building. as a guard, not a senator. the only thing that keeps him going he says, is me and the redskins. that's where i get it. my fan-ness. are you scared? it's okay. anybody would be. but you're good. and you'll do good. break a leg tomorrow. it's from the theater. for opening night. you say the worst thing that can happen. and go away. both of you. you were about to be rolled. they work the bar downstairs looking for drunk redskins. don't feel so bad. it's a rookie mistake. here. take this. it's for the pain. take it. it's only a little bit illegal. i'll help. we'll just take our time. kidneys. you took a hell of a beating. the martinis didn't help, either. don't be afraid if you've got blood in your urine. that's normal. yes. yes. are you kidding? you were catatonic. good. back to bed. of course not. i don't know. i guess i can't resist a man who can take a hit. shhh. it's all in your head. now, get some sleep. you're the golden boy in the press this morning. 'falco scores big.' well. not really. hey, a lot of the regular players are starting to cross the picket line. it doesn't say. where are you going? no. probably just your wallet and your watch. you're basic double d vicodin. but be careful: it's habit- forming. the best stuff always is. ice both knees and that shoulder before bed. no. we don't travel with the team. so, here's tylenol with codeine, regular vicodins, the magic bullet one that i gave you before, and a couple of darvons if you actually break something. pop 'em in the ambulance. i'll be watching on tv. the giants got back three of their four defensive linemen. what can i say? go from the shotgun and scramble your ass off. are you hurt? you're getting used to being slapped around. that's a good sign. would you like to come in and make love? most of the world feels that way. you don't have to be embarrassed about it. i won't hurt you. that shoulder is going to need special handling. i can't imagine. okay. calm down. well, they're back. i don't believe that. i don't think it just goes away. it was only one bad day, shane. everybody has those. you're wrong. you're winning now. you're winning me. shane! are you okay? is it your side? what? you do?