i have just left a meeting with representatives of the owners and i am sad to say that they have refused the players' final demands which therefore, i am recommending that all n.f.l. players walk out and not play until our demands are met. i want the players to walk out tall, to walk out righteous, to walk out in the knowledge that we do this as a team. we shall overcome the fat cats. i send peace to my union brothers. very simply, support for these fine players and union men. washington d.c. is the home of freedom and the collective bargaining agreement. i am here to remind all americans that the owners are no better than the robber barons of the nineteenth century. they have blatantly gone out and hired scabs, which is against all principles of our constitution and the declaration of independence and probably even the emancipation proclamation. and here come the scabskins now! don't be asking for no autographs from the real players and then go in and watch the scabs! that is not the message we want to send our children! because it's about brothers, and brotherhood and standing together against the oppressors. that's why i am so grateful to our teamster brothers who have joined us here today in new york to protest the greed squad known as the n.f.l. owners. i think that mister matheson here, and myself, are very close to an agreement that will put the 'pro' back in pro-football.