hey, the dolphins do this as good as anybody. see, in a four, three, two, two, you got the guards. boom!. plugging up the middle, then the corners. boom and could be the last play. take it all in, people. this could be it for 2,000. it's all about money, folks. more money, of course and ain't it always? the shame of it is the big losers are you out there, the fans. there goes martel! on maybe the last play of the season. yeah, there's a lot of that going around. pretty bold move by new england patriot owner victor kiam, who went out and bought an entire semi-pro team once the strike happened. redskin management, on the other hand, is going with a bunch of unknowns. their public relations people don't even have bios yet on most of their players, although we'll see one or two familiar faces out there today. oh, yeah, they were absolutely decimated! this is not a good sign. well, pat, so far the redskins have minus ten yards offensively. seventeen, i think. very nice off tackle run by lamont. execution was letter perfect. this will be a forty- five yarder. that's a yeah, this guy is a player. according to the redskins, ray smith. is. that's weird. no college given, no high school given. it just says he's been a resident of the state of maryland for the last four years and five months. likes to embroider. began with a redskin end around, but cochran, the pulling tackle ran into falco's pitchout . see? right here, it bounced off his helmet. then it was kicked by landon and then hayes touched it, i think, and then green got a hand on it, and then bellinski recovered it and then he lost it, and finally the ball took a crazy bounce right back into yeah, and it looks like he's hurt, too. he was really starting to put it together here in the fourth quarter. only forty-eight seconds now left on the clock. i'm surprised to see him again after that shot he took from bellinski. it's a long count. falco could be calling an audible. whoa! falco calls an audible at the line of scrimmage and lamont takes it in! this turned out to be one hell of a contest, pat! it's a fake! that's all-pro hank morris's third sack, his second here in the fourth quarter and the sixth of the day for morris intercepts! wait! the ball is stuck in his face! lee scores! lee scores! lee scores! i love to see a fat guy score! i can't believe it! mcginty is gonna let pacifico try the field goal from sixty-five yards out! pat. did he just? i think that guy is smoking on the field! it's straight enough! if it's got the distance, it's. good! redskins win!