green 48! green 48! hut! hut! hey, you can't park there. you don't want any trouble?! you're taking my job away, but you don't want any trouble? he doesn't want any trouble, but he puts this piece of shit in a no parking zone. no, we'll do that for you. go ahead, wilson. move it for him. this is a visit. i used to nail one of the housekeepers. you know who these guys are, don't you? you'll be seeing a lot of these guys tomorrow. who, me? not much. but these boys wanted a little head start on you. it can be a game of luck. and under no circumstances can we allow a scab team to go three and o. especially against the dallas cowboys. it's just not good for the i can't really say, shane. by the way, have you ever tried throwing a football with bruised ribs? the pain makes it damn near impossible. and one other thing: i want you to stay away from annabelle. the sad fact is she won't give me the time of day. but you can't have everything i want. i can't let that happen. so, you gotta stop seeing her. just on principle. let me hear you say it. come on. you can do it. good. gentlemen? hey, have a great game!