and you look like that coach from the seventies. from the redskins. mcginty. except you look a shitload older. no, man, i've been out way too long. you know what my nickname was in san diego, don't you? as in, i hear 'em and i dump the ball. i got two concussions to prove it. no kidding? forty-five. and now you want to recruit me? okay. what's my i'm retired from football. i like being here. it's quiet. i like being alone. shane falco. i can see. two. no, wait. three. oh shit! no! shane. what was that? i'm very interested in that. excuse me? oh yeah, hi. hey. thanks. i guess so. sure. i understand. yeah. just glad to be back playing. that's all i've really got to say. well. i've been involved lately in the. aquatic business. look, i don't want any trouble. okay. i'll move it. it's okay. let's do that. yeah. sure. will i what? now? i was kind of thinking the same thing. hey, it's okay. i've been called worse. sometimes i feel like everybody in the world saw that game. like i could go to india and some little guy would run up to me and say, 'boy, did you suck in so, how come you're such a fan? scared? well. yes. absolutely. well, thank you. look, i gotta study the play book tonight. so. i'll see you. what?! nod my head? hold on, what's the problem here? hey, hold on. what happened? am i hurt already? god damn it! i am the quarterback! i am the only one supposed to talk in the huddle! i don't give a shit! huddle up! if you've got something to say, raise your hand! is that understood?! then you tell me before the huddle starts! okay, listen up: 68 blue east storm toss. on two. what?! it's to the right! blue 68. blue 68! hut! hut! have you suddenly decided you don't like me, jamal? okay. let's try something simple. 18 red left slot open. that's to the left! eighteen red! eighteen red! hut! hut! yeah! shut up! pass. 22 solo right slot 'a,' y stick. on one. twenty-two green. hut! what? okay. on the count of three. everyone more left. hut! hut! hut! u brown right, west 19 a lead. that's you, mickey. puke on him if you have to. hut! hut! we can't put three plays together without a penalty, a fumble of a fight. you're good. you're really good. okay, let's all take a few seconds to think about what we were doing for a living. just last week. good. let's kick ass. red right pass 15 x red fifteen! red fifteen! hut! hut, hut! i can't. 22 green! check! black 43! black 43! black 43! black 43 left! hut! hut! hut! ultimately, it's a pain thing, you know? i mean, it's darwinian, the survival of the numbest. whoever can take the pain most, gets the largest contract. it's sick. i'm glad that you are concerned. i would like. here's home. oooooh. bookends. these are my guests. why did you do that? that's what i was hoping. i guess they found one. what is it? oh, god. i've got to go to the bathroom. it's far away, isn't it? oh, man. my hair hurts. did you undress me? and you. slept here with me? did we. ? no blood. may i ask you a personal question? do you do this for all redskin quarterbacks? then why me? i can't take a hit! redskins? mcginty called a dinner meeting with the whole team. thank you. thanks for. everything. you saved my life. and that pill, that sure worked. well. hi. come in. wow. thanks. yeah. i know. you got to double up on morris. okay. spread left 'a' right, roll right half back sail. on two. red, fifteen. hut, hut! huddle up! same thing. except. let him in. don't touch him. shut up! let him through. on two. red fifteen. hut! get him! no! danny, go down! you're using up the clock! time out! we got time for one play, but if we don't get it out of bounds, the game is over. seriously? you look great, lou, you know that? hut! no. not really. yes. no. i'm here because . i don't want to be alone. but to tell you the truth. i'm kind of scared of you. you know what hurts their defensive end punched me in the mouth. seriously. it's killing me. after that game, after being beaten that badly in front of the whole country, after humiliating myself, my team, my school, my family, i mean -- did you know that i set two sugar bowl records?! i was sacked eleven times! i threw six interceptions! anyway, after that, i could never seem to adjust in the pros. i was too scared. i lost my balls. you know what i mean. my nerve. i lost the edge you need to play this game. no. somehow, i convinced myself that i couldn't ever win the big game. i got so down, that i was afraid to be playing when a game was on the line. i was afraid to screw up. that's the sure sign of a loser. from there, it wasn't very far to thinking that i'll never win, that i didn't deserve to win at anything. including love. what's this? a visit. who let you in? lucky girl. dallas cowboys. howdy. what do you want? i'm flattered that you actually think we have a chance to win. is the union behind this 'visit'? i won't go out with her whatever you say, coach. hut! hut! like christmas morning. okay. red right 15 x hook. 15 x hut! i'm sorry, roland. that was a great block. you were a warrior, roland. i'm gonna miss you. yes, andre. it's true. you're right, clifford. and i'm sorry. but now i want to go out there and either beat these bastards or die trying. i never wanted to beat anybody so bad in my life. gentlemen, our problem is the cowboys aren't afraid of us. but they should be! we've got one chance on offense to make our stand -- the first play of the half. no. but one nasty-ass play might. we just gotta be brave. and trust each other. help me with this. somebody has to tape me up. i'm okay. i owe you an apology. yes. i'll explain later. but thank you for believing in me. you give me strength just looking at you. suck my dick. blue thirteen! blue thirteen! hut! hut! hut! okay, everybody, stick black 98! black 98! hut! hut! hut! put your tits on my head. i can do it. just make it a good snap. and you'll do the rest, right? lou, are you alright? what?! hut! what would unitas do in this situation? i have no idea. no problem, mickey. hell of a hit, reese. right after this play. so besides me, who really wants the ball? yeah. you want it, brian. let's hook up. blue left slot open 'a' right. two jet 'x' drive. on three. gentlemen, it's been an honor sharing the field of battle. blue 58! blue 58! hut! hut! hut!