hey kid! hey! hey kid! hey! hey! are you hard of hearing? you want to make ten bucks? now waita minute wait a minute kid you got the wrong idea. look my old lady is real sick and i got to get her to the hospital, okay? i can't. i can't leave her car in this bad area. look i need some helpful soul to drive it for me, okay? she's pregnant. she's with twins. she could drop at any time. all right? fifteen bucks. twenty-five. follow me in my old lady's car. its right here. okay? never mind about that. right now we need to get both of my cars out of this bad area, allright? come on. let's go. shut up plettschner. honey i don't know, some alley uh. hey kid! hey what street was the cutlass on? my old lady? oh shit ! i forgot all about her. well she'll take the bus. she's a rock. hey come on in. marlene! marlene! you know kid, uhh, usually when someone pulls shit like that my first reaction is uhh i want to punch his fucking lights out. but you know something? right lite? could be? what do you say kid were always on the look out for a few good men. paid? you don't get paid. are you kidding, you work on commission, that's better than getting paid. most cars you rip are worth two or three hundred dollars. fifty thousand dollar porsche might make ya five grand. it helps if you dress like a detective, too. detectives dress kind of square. people think this guy is a cop. they're going to think you're packing something. they don't fuck with you so much. am i what? ha. only an asshole gets killed for a car. guys who make it are the guys who get into their cars at anytime. get in at three a.m. get up at four. that's why there ain't a repo man i know that don't take speed. i'll call you back! flippin general telephone. c'mon. never broke into a car. never hot-wired a car. kid. i never broke into a trunk. i shall not cause harm to any vehicle nor the personal contents thereof. nor through inaction let that vehicle or the personal contents thereof come to harm. that's what i call the repo code kid. don't forget it etch it in your brain. not many people got a code to live by anymore. hey! hey look at that. look at those assholes over there. ordinary people i hate 'em. what do you know? see an ordinary person spend his life avoiding tense situations. repoman spends his life getting into tense situations. ! lets go get a drink. tense situations kid. get into five or six of them a day and it don't mean shit anymore. i mean i seen men stabbed and it didn't mean shit . i've seen guns. guns too they don't mean shit but that's when you got to watch your self. here i'll handle it pal. uh settle down. have a nice day. or night. night, day, it doesn't mean shit . this is what i call phase 2 ace. if the dealer don't have the keys, you call the truck. and it is a heartbreak to be sitting waiting for the truck and the giblet comes out and drives it away. once you've got this baby on the hooks, she's all ours. uh, are you miss luann pakman? well don't think i haven't tried, sir, but she hasn't had the decency to call us in months. i mean, i've skipped trace this car all over town. well, she could have called us? look, all you've go to do is call my branch manager, i will abide with whatever he says. what, and lose my job? the law requires that i stay right here until you call my branch manager. that's the law. there's going to be some bad shit coming down one of these days kid. ung uh, i'm going to be right here heading north at a hundred and ten per. uh oh! the rodriguez brothers. roll the window down.] roll the window down. a chingas tu esposa! god damn dipshit rodriguez gypsy dildo punks. i'll get your ass! repo man's always intense. come on let's go get a drink. awful quiet in here. it's too quiet. rodriguez brothers. lagarto and napoleon. two notorious delinquents currently responsible for at least thirty vehicles in the field. ruthside peason brokerage consultant. fucking millionaire six payments behind. i've never understood it. the fucking millionaires. they never pay their bills. see you at the yard. no. i'll handle this one. mister peason is carrying a permit for a pistol. hey! hey! hey! give me that. you know i think i saw one of those things once. one of those ufos. i mean it was really it was kind of kind of scary. i saw all these colored lights and, uh, sounds. i mean sounds and lights like i never heard before. i mean it was really weird. yeah? of course. well i mean you see a lot of fucked up cars come in but. 99 time out of 100 it was the customer who fucked them up. assholes . i'm offering a thousands dollars for his falcon. you know what that is napoleon? it's a bribe. it's a grand if you show me where his car is napoleon. hello? prick . waiting! don't care how long it takes, dildos . repo man's got all night every night. twenty thousand dollars. see that motherfucker only thinks i don't know what's going on, lite. as soon as i find that chevy i'm going indy. i'm going to buy myself a tow truck, a couple of pitbulls, and run a yard. sit around and watch everybody else do the work for a while . the hell i can as long as you have good credit and my credit is spotless. credit is a sacred trust. it's what our free society is founded on. you think they give a damn about their bills in russia? i said do you think they give a damn about their bills in russia? all free? free my ass, what are you a fucking commie? huh? well you'd better not be i don't want any commies in my car. no christians either. repo man don't go running to the man marlene. a repo man goes at it alone. what did you say man? they do? hey take it easy. take it easy. the guys head is hurt. look at these people man there's one person in each car. city wants up to car pool but nobody gives a shit. aww! those rodriguez brothers humm? o.k., boys, we've got the whole team here tonight lets settle these motherfucker's hash for good. what do you mean its going to cost me plenty? come on . whose side are you on ? let me go . this is bullshit oly. you should have refused to accept it. the rodriguez brothers. but. ha! you believe the fucking rodriguez brothers? they're a couple of scumbags oly. you know that? bullshit you're taking their word against mine. take the rest of the? i can't take the rest of the. ow yeah! i un huh i get it. take the flippin rest of the week off budsky. so you can get the flippin twenty thousand dollars for the malibu. yeah? well fuck you. great! i'll come back and pick up my stuff later when the fucking place don't stink so bad. makes you wonder how much they owe. most of them are on the run. don't even use their fucking social security numbers. if there was just some way to find out how much the motherfuckers owe and making them pay. you want out? do ya? what's a matter with you? don't you like your job anymore? not too happy in your job? i mean i feel like were not communicating any more. when we first started out i though i could teach you something share something with you for christ's sake. answer me! hey there hero. get the money yet? whu, what do you mean, what papers? didn't you read it? melonfarmer oly! . oooh, shoot. hey ace. wait up. talk about what kid? i'm not mad at you. damn. i'm not. i'm not mad at you. oww shit . shit . shit ! eleven years of repoing cars and what have i got? shit !