do do do de do de do de do de do feeling do de da do de do de do feeling seven-up. i'm feeling seven-up. feeling seven up. i'm feeling seven up. it's a crisp refreshing feeling crystal clear and light. america's drinking seven-up and it sure feels right. feeling lucky seven. feeling seven eleven. hum. i wasn't singing guy. jeeze. why so tense guy? mister humphries! you gotta love getting fired from your job in a big way, otto. ow. cool. ow. dammit. i'm supposed to be the host here. ow! what are you doing? nobody supposed to be up here. this is my parent's room. yep. yep yep! yeah? well you think it's funny huh? there's fucking room to move as a fry cook, man. you know i could be manager in two years? king! god! i bet. and then what, you woke up in a puddle ? fucking jerk. where you going asshole ? i'll deal with you later. i've got a customer to attend to. you too. hi! i'm kevin. vacuum sir? need a vacuum sir? you don't want to eat from a machine. look, there's a nice del taco across the street. they've got enchurritos and everything. lorna doones? i love lorna doones. oh hey! you want me to check the trunk? scuze me. hi! i'm kevin! sure thing. any thing for you babes. i'll be right back. what?? otto?