leila. is this your car? heh, one of them? you think you're pretty slick don't ya? i bet you're a used car salesman. you dress like one. what's that? no. those men in the car next to us don't look at them. don't look at them! if they see me they'll kill me. take a look at this. it isn't sausage otto. that's a picture of four dead aliens. laugh away fuckface that picture is going to be on the cover of ever major newspaper in two days time. part of a secret network. a scientist who is also in our secret sect smuggled the corpses off of this air force base. now he's got them in the truck of his car. it's a chevy malibu. we've got to find him. yes! we're going to have a press conference and tell the world. my door doesn't open. thanks for the ride. i don't know. i'm going to be kind of busy with work, the malibu and everything. what's your problem? i mean girls might like you if you lightened up a little bit. you wanna get back in the car? yeah. otto. otto stop. you said you had something to tell me. otto? otto! what did you want to tell me? i'm at work, otto! your work is different than mine. what are you doing.? don't do that. thanks deadra. i'll be right there. hello. is it you? this is leila. are you using a scrambler? look out! what do you want from me? you're not going to torture me are you? torture you? what for? to find out what i know. i'd torture someone in a second if it was up to me. because of the trunk. the aliens inside. no, silly, extraterrestrials. um. i going to have to ask my boyfriend. hello, is otto there? hi otto? it's leila. otto, these aliens aren't on ice or anything. they could be starting to decay. we've got to find them before they turn into mush. charming friends you got there otto. i don't think he knows. but what if he's innocent?