that ain't your car. best goddamn car on the lot. got a name kid? otto! otto parts? hahaha hey you want some help with that beer kid? what if we are? cracks me up. maybe he's looking for a job? huh budsky? twenty thousand dollars for a chevy malibu? who's double x finance? uh, naw. they're always bitching about their case load. i think i'll go out for a while. somebody has to work around here. keep making me money kid. jesus who done that to yeah son? damn right just like john wayne what's wrong about that? what? that doesn't mean he was a homo , miller. lotta straight guys like to watch their buddies fuck . i know i do. don't you? this is too personal sonny. the thing is a repo man got beat up in the line of duty. now it doesn't matter that that man was you. what really matters is that the guy that did it has got to pay the price. now stop being selfish and tell us his name. mr. humphries? how come that pig's got a wooden leg? well said the farmer said about three months ago i was out there walking the pig. yeah yeah that's what i said when the marshal woke me up at 4 o'clock this morning . unfortunately it isn't bullshit , it's a summons. have you read it? the goddamn rodriguez brothers are suing us for malicious damage, medical expenses and harassment for a car they fucking own. i know that bud. but we've got to sit down and get our stories straight. i was there remember? why don't you go home? take the rest of the week off. make it a fucking month. on second though budsky. don't bother coming back at all. shut up! by the way kid, sign this. equity turnover. standard practice. protects you in case we get sued. . . don't read the damn thing, kid, just sign it. he signed it over to me. but he didnt realize- yeah. like flies on shit .