kevin stop singing man. i'm standing right next to you and you're fucking singing. cut it out. how you doing dude? when did you get out of the slammer man? huh? okay what? debbi honey. i got you a beer. don't want to talk about anything else. we don't want to know. we're just dedicated. to our favorite shows. saturday night live, monday night football, dallas, jeffersons, gilligan's island, flintstones. ] what do you want? fuck you, queer. so what? take her there. well, uh, how much are you going to give me? no. won't do it for less than twenty. all right. where's, uh, where's your old lady at? what? i don't know. what happened to your old lady? yeah! it's otto. that's what it says doesn't it. you're all repo men. screw that! ain't going to be no repo man. no way! night watchman in pomona. asbestos worker. city of industry. french fry maker agoura. ha ha that's absurd. you know kevin, i had this wild fucking dream the other night. it was with you and me and we were working in this sleazy shithole motel down in miami, florida. and we were bellhops and we were sixty-five years old. it was so real it was really real, realistic. fuck you! away from you. mother, father. got anything to eat? i couldn't enjoy it any more mom mmm mmm mmm this is swell. dad? hey dad? do you remember that you once told me along time ago. well not too long ago but ummm. that you told me that you'd give me a thousand dollars to go to europe if i finish school. well you know something? you were right. about finishing school that's ah that's what i'd like to do. but umm i want to know if i could have the money first. like now. [you know i really love you dad i've always loved you. you too mom. what do you say? what?] well what about me? so how much do i get paid, twenty-five buck a car. are you? packin' something. speed huh? me too. oh yeah? where you going to be? on the moon? in this junker? cool car. motherfucker just flipped you off. watch it mother fucker. wo! hey! hahaha wow! that was intense. gee bud. you never told me it was going to be like this man. cops and robbers. hahahahah. real live car chases. hahahahah. so who are these rodriguez boys. scumbags good gag, you pull this one a lot? excuse me? miss magruder? i have something here for you. ow! ow! ow! motherfucker! ow! ow! ow! christ! i'm blind man. lite? lite, where are you man? what's that? let me get this one. don't underestimate me ace. hey! hey! you want a ride? hey babe need a ride? well what were they doing out in the middle of the street? what? haha, no way. you still want a ride or what? my name is otto. yeah it's one of them. i am not. i'm a repo man. its a repossesser. i take back cars from dildos who don't pay their bills. cool huh? what are you doing? really why? ow! what the hell are you doing? what's going on? what's this? it looks like sausage. how do you know that? what are you going to do with them, put them on johnny carson? united fruitcake outlet. sure ummm i don't know. what do you think? ah want to go out with me again sometime? hey great. terrific. here's your shit . fuck . girls pay to go out with me. all right? what, here? fuck you. got it. sure. what book? unh uhg you eat a lot of acid miller, back in the hippie days? i don't read them books. yeah. i guess. the past? how the fuck do i know? you don't even know how to drive. bud. do you think all repo men follow the code? hey leila! all right, um, this is otto. the guy who gave you a ride and stuff. i heard something about that car. huh? oh! take off your clothes. oh yeah? me too. says who? heh, i guess that means no.] they don't pay bills in russia. it's all free. no i ain't no commie. it's really very simple mrs. parks. you don't want me to take your car and i don't want to take your car. now i said to the boss i said ah look! i do not want to repossess this ladys car. yeah, yes i understand. my job is really on the line over this one. i could lose it right away. that's terrific. really terrific. well, uh, gotta get going here. the tea? yeah, it was terrific. thank you uh excuse me. hey it's cool. it's cool. i like music too man, hey fuck you plettschner! oww! oww! yeah you're plettschner. so what? fuck you! you know marlene? man she's pretty hot. see ya back at the yard. oh shit . holy shit . lite! . lite! lite! lite! lite! open the door. there's a maniac in there. what are you doing? open the door man! what are you doing? what are you doing? open the door. lite! open the door man, open the door. open the door lite. jesus christ. you're crazy lite. i mean you can't just shoot into peoples houses. i mean maybe you shot the guy. well i don't know i mean that's pretty severe. jesus christ. you repo men, you guys are all out to fuckin lunch. let's get out of here. what's going on? who done what? oh some dude it doesn't matter. kiss off you asshole . ow you bastards ! ahh oww you bastard . all right! all right! all right! all right! o.k. his name was. yeah. leila who? i can't believe i used to like these guys. yeah. sure. i need another drink. duke. debbi. archie. i'd like you to meet leila and her weird friend. i'm busy man. i told ya i was working. thanks, i made'um myself. jesus christ bud. they're winos, they don't have any money. you think they'd be bums if they did? no! ott, ott. re, re, re. no. nuh-uh sir. i represent the helping hand acceptance corporation. lobotomy? isn't that for loonies? what kind of car does your. does your friend drive? and you do the same type of work? this is really a nice old car. why don't you let me drive? well i don't know. i mean. uh! don't you feel funny.? what is this? um. have you see uh bud anywhere? not yet. oly's going to get it for me though. i just signed the papers. beats me, just some, uh, contract or something. well, no, just, uh, standard practice, uh, contract. what, is that not a happening deal? so you want to talk about it? why you're so damn mad at me? all right o.k. duke! debbie! what what are you guys doing here? debbie ah. ah do you, uh, do you think it's too late uh for us to get romantically involved? wait! wait! stick with me. i'll make you a repo wife. yeah i'm here man. that's bullshit . you're a white suburban punk, just like me. you're going to be all right man maybe not. what kind of men? well, what did you tell them? did you tell them i was sick? jeeze. why? what? let go of me! no way marlene. my car's gone and we're going to get to the bottom of this. hey fletch. coffee break. look ah this isn't really necessary. i'll tell you anything you want to know. i don't know. somebody ripped it from the yard. marlene? what's going on? shh! how are you doing man? look about the other night. i'm sorry i split. i know i should have stayed with you but ah it's like when i was a kid you know i i had this set of big wheels you know. dude slow down. don't even ask because i don't know. i mean i don't have it marlene doesn't have it you and your crazy friends don't have it. so that only leaves. that's some weird fucking shit eh bud? what's going on man? Bud listen to me. You're sitting in a car worth twenty thousand dollars. Look look we we turn it in we take the money and split it sixty forty. You and me.