take it easy sonny boy. a cadillac. is he a pimp? some people aren't cut out to be repo men. why don't you smarten up kid? don't you say fuck you to me. don't you know who i am? you're fucking right i'm plettschner. otto plettschner. three times decorated in two world wars. i was killing people while you were still swimming around in your father's balls . you little scum bag! i worked five years in a slaughter house and ten years as a prison guard in attica. so what? so never say fuck you to me. because you haven't earn the rights yet. see what i mean punk? fuck you! you little scumbag. don't you ever tell me to shut up. marlene! how you doing baby? who done what he says. you want to talk about guts. what did you do to your face kid? hey marlene. i'm on my coffee break. greatest american that ever lived. whaa? ah, you're fucking nuts. yeah. damn straight i do. hey! hey! take it easy. stop this car. hey come on. come on. ha! ha! ha! otto! you got to stay out of this. it's none of your business. you want to be a hero? or would you rather be a chicken man? a chicken man. did you ever see a farmer's wife? huh? hold it marlene. freeze! that's how it's going to have to be. i've been wanting to do that one for a long time honey.