i see ya sittin here, but i don't believe it. how ya doin, toothpick? i'm sorry man, i shoulda picked you up personally at the pen. this whole week's just been crazy. i've had my head up my ass the entire time. that i should've picked you up? oh really, is that a fact? daddy, did ya see that? guy got me on the ground, tried to fuck me. you tried to fuck me in my father's office, you sick bastard. look, vic, whatever you wanna do in the privacy of your own home, go do it. but don't try to fuck me. i don't think of you that way. i mean, i like you a lot-- no, you'd keep me for yourself. four years fuckin punks in the ass made you appreciate prime rib when you get it. now ain't that a sad sight, daddy, walks into jail a white man, walks out talkin like a nigger. it's all that black semen been shootin up his butt. it's backed up into his brain and comes out of his mouth. really? who's your p.o.? koons? oh shit, i hear he's a motherfucker. you're coming back to work for us, right? this isn't all that bad. we can give you a lot of legitimate jobs. put you on the rotation at long beach as a dock worker. you don't hafta lift shit. you don't really work there. but as far as the records are concerned, you do. i call up matthews, the foreman, tell him he's got a new guy. you're on the schedule. you got a timecard, it's clocked in and out for you everyday, and you get a pay check at the end of the week. and ya know dock workers don't do too bad. so you can move into a halfway decent place without koons thinkin "what the fuck." and if koons ever wants to make a surprise visit, you're gone that day. that day we sent you to tustin. we gotta bunch of shit you needed to unload there. you're at the taft airstrip pickin up a bunch of shit and bringing it back. part of your jab is goin different places - and we got places all over the place. me and you'll drive down to long beach tomorrow. i'll introduce you to matthews, tell him what's going on. --nuts. we got a big meeting in vegas coming up. and we're kinda just gettin ready for that right now. daddy, i got an idea. now just hear it out. i know you don't like to use any of the boys on these jobs, but technically, vic ain't one of the boys. he's been gone for four years. he ain't on no one's list. ya know he can handle himself, ya know you can trust him. hey dov, we got a major situation here. i know you know that. i gotta talk with daddy and find out what he wants done. all i know is what vic told me. he said the place turned into a fuckin bullet festival. he took a cop as hostage, just to get the fuck out of there. do i sound like i'm jokin? he's fuckin driving around with the cop in his trunk. i don't know who did that. i don't know who has the loot, if anybody has the loot. who's dead, who's alive, who's caught, who's not. i will know, i'm practically there. but what do i tell these guys about daddy? you sure that's what he said? okay, that's what i'll tell em. fucking assholes. what in sam hill is goin on? holy shit, this guy's all fucked up! what? nobody set anybody up. bullshit. okay, mr. detective, who did it? and what are your answers? was it me? you think i set you up? nobody did. you assholes turn the jewelry store into a wild west show, and you wonder why cops show up. i ain't talked to him. i talked to dov. dov said he's comin out here, and he's fucking pissed. jesus christ, give me a fuckin chance to breathe. i got a few questions of my own, ya know. i'll call somebody. a snake charmer, what the fuck d'you think. i'll call a doctor, take care of him, fix 'm right up. no, where's mr. brown and mr. blue? nobody saw what happened to mr. blue? i take it this is the bastard you told me about. why the hell are you beating on him? would you stop it with that shit! you beat on this prick enough, he'll tell ya he started the chicago fire. that don't necessarily make it so. okay, first things fucking last, where's the shit? please tell me somebody brought something with them. well, let's go get it. we also gotta get rid of all those cars. it looks like sam's hot car lot outside. you stay here and babysit orange and the cop. you two take a car each, i'll follow ya. you ditch it, i'll pick you up, then we'll pick up the stones. and while i'm following you, i'll arrange for some sort of a doctor for our friend. why not? what does it matter who stays with the cop? we ain't lettin him go. not after he's seen everybody. you should've never took him outta your trunk in the first place. there is no fuckin set up! look, this is the news. blondie, you stay here and take care of them two. white and pink come with me, 'cuz if joe gets here and sees all those fucking cars parked out front, he's going to be as mad at me as he is at you. --we're parked outside. he'll be right down. i gotta go along with mr. pink on this. i've seen it happen. let me tell you guys a story. in one of daddy's clubs there was this black cocktail waitress named elois. yeah, elois. e and lois. we called her lady e. no. she was from ladora heights. it's not the black beverly hills, it's the black palos verdes. anyway, this chick, elois, was a man-eater-upper. i bet every guy who's ever met her has jacked off to her at least once. you know who she looked like? christie love. 'member that tv show "get christie love"? she was a black female cop. she always used to say "you're under arrest, sugar." pam grier. well, whoever she was, elois looked like her. so one night i walk into the club, and no elois. now the bartender was a wetback, he was a friend of mine, his name was carlos. so i asked him "hey, carlos, where's lady e tonight?" well apparently lady e was married to this real piece of dog shit. i mean a real animal. and apparently he would so things to her. nobody knows for sure what he did. we just know he did something. anyway, elois plays it real cool. and waits for the next time this bag of shit gets drunk. so one night the guy gets drunk and passes out on the couch. so while the guy's inebriated, she strips him naked. then she takes some crazy glue and glues his dick to his belly. i'm dead fuckin serious. she put some on his dick and some on his belly, then stuck 'em together. the paramedics had to come and cut it loose. i don't know what he did to her, but she got even. we woulda gotten here sooner, but we got backed up around la brea and pico. you know, all things considered, this was pretty successful. no, it was messy as hell, but do you realize how much you got away with? there's over two million dollars worth of diamonds here. hey, what's done is done. we can all sit around and have a big cry about it or we can deal with the situation at hand. hey, it's the best i could do. and i'm telling you, bonnie'll take care of him. ask me how many doctors i called. you wanna embarrass yourself, ask me how many doctors i called. fuck you! you gotta little black book, then whip is out. if not, listen how it is. i called three doctors and couldn't get through to shit. now, time being a factor, i called bonnie. sweet broad, helluva broad, and a registered nurse. told her a bullshit story, upside: she said bring him to her apartment. fuck you buddy boy! okay, you wanna play that way. i am personally leaving myself vulnerable with this bonnie situation. i don't think she'll call the cops, but i don't know for sure. but me being too nice- a-fuckin-guy was willin to risk it. but no fuckin more. i'm callin bonnie back and tellin her to forget it. you take care of your friend, you know so much about it. i don't need to grow up, my friend. i am a grown up. i'm being responsible, i'm taking care of business. yeah, well i don't give a flying fuck what you think! yeah, right. i arrange a nurse, i leave myself wide open, and i'm an asshole. what the fuck happened here? who cares what he was gonna do to this fuckin pig? you were saying he went crazy? something like that? worse or better? i don't buy it. it doesn't make sense. let me say this out loud, just to get it straight in my mind. according to you, mr. blonde was gonna kill you. then when we came back, kill us, grab the diamonds, and scram. that's your story? i'm correct about that, right? you're a fuckin liar. now why don't you drop the fuckin fairy tale and tell me what really happened? the man you killed was just released from prison. he got caught at a company warehouse full of hot items. he could've walked away. all he had to do was say my dad's name. but instead he shut his mouth and did his time. he did four years for us, and he did 'em like a man. and we were very grateful. so, mr. orange, you're tellin me this very good friend of mine, who did four years for my father, who in four years never made a deal, no matter what they dangled in front of him, you're telling me that now, that now this man is free, and we're making good on our commitment to him, he's just gonna decide, right out of the fuckin blue, to rip us off? mr. orange, why don't you tell me what really happened? daddy, i'm sorry, i don't know what's happening. the motherfucker killed vic. have you lost your fucking mind? put your gun down! stop pointing your fuckin gun at daddy! daddy, don't!