this is your life, lawrence dimick! lawrence "larry" dimick. also known as lawrence jacobs and alvin "al" jacobs. this guy is mr. joe- armed-robbery. he's a pro and he makes it a habit not to get caught. he's only been convicted twice, which is pretty good for somebody living a life of crime. once for armed robbery, when he was twenty- one, in milwaukee. payroll office at a lumber yard. first offense - he got eighteen months. he didn't get busted again until he was thirty-two. and then it was a backdoor bust. a routine vice squad roust. they roust this bar, out buddy lawrence is in there knocking down a few. he gets picked up. he's wearing on his person an outlaw .45 automatic, apparently his weapon of choice. also, on his finger is a diamond ring from a jewelry store robbery a year earlier. he got two years back inside for that. so far, it's the only time he's ever done. no. the vice squad roust was in l.a. he's been in los angeles since '77. back in '83, got out late '86. i found something else out i think you two should be aware of. about a year and a half ago, up in sacramento, an undercover cop, john dolenz, worked his way into a bank job. apparently before the job they found out he was a cop. now picture this: it's dolenz's birthday, a bunch of cops are waiting in his apartment for a surprise party. the door opens, everyone yells "surprise!", and standing in the doorway is dolenz and this other guy sticking a gun in dolenz's ribs. before anybody knows what's going on, this stranger shoots dolenz dead and starts firing two .45 automatics into the crowd. it was a mess. cops got hit, wives got hit, girlfriends got hit, his dog got hit. people got glass in their faces. three were killed, six were wounded. they tried, but they didn't have a positive i.d. and all those guys had alibis. besides, we really didn't have anything on them. we had the testimony of a dead man that they were talking about committing a robbery. they never went ahead with the bank job. he was probably the one.