toby. who the fuck is toby? toby. toby. think. think. think. oh fuck, toby's that little china girl. i found this old address book in a jacket i ain't worn in a coon's age. toby what? what the fuck was her last name? chew? toby chew? no. wong? not wrong, dumb ass, wong! you know, like the chinese name? what the fuck do you think you're doin? give me my book back! whaddaya mean, give it to me when we leave, give it back now. what do you care? give me my book. i'm gonna do whatever i wanna do with it. no, she did it. she killed the cheatin wife, too. no, we're gonna be hittin it. i'll take care of the check. sure thing. i'll take care of this, you guys leave the tip. and when i come back, i want my book back. blonde, shoot this piece of shit, will ya? okay ramblers, let's get to rambling. wait a minute, who didn't throw in? mr. white? why? he don't tip? you don't tip? why? he don't believe in it? you don't believe in it? shut up! cough up the buck, ya cheap bastard, i paid for your goddamn breakfast. whatever. just throw in your dollar, and let's move. see what i'm dealing with here. infants. i'm fuckin dealin with infants. sid, i'm tellin you don't worry about it. you had a bad couple of months, it happens. sid, sid, sid. stop, you're embarrassing me. i don't need to be told what i already know. when you have bad months, you do what every business man in the worlds does, i don't care if he's donald trump or irving the tailor. ya ride it out. come in. tell him to come in. sid, a friend of mine's here. i gotta go. good enough, bye. how's freedom kid, pretty fuckin good, ain't it? ain't that a sad truth. remy martin? take a seat. who's your parole officer? how is he? never ceases to amaze me. fuckin jungle bunny goes out there, slits some old woman's throat for twenty-five cents. fuckin nigger gets doris day as a parole officer. but a good fella like you gets stuck with a ball-bustin prick. what the hell did you expect me to do? just forget about you? it's the least i could do vic. i wish i coulda done more. vic. toothpick vic. tell me a story? what're your plans? come in. eddie, i hate like hell for you to hear it this way. but when vic asked me how's business, well, you don't lie to a man who's just done four years in the slammer for ya. okay, okay, enough, enough! playtime's over! you wanna roll around on the floor, do it in eddie's office, not mine! what? are you two finished? we were talkin about some serious shit when you came in eddie. we got a big problem we're tryin to solve. now eddie, would you like to sit down and help us solve it, or do you two wanna piss fart around? now vic was tellin me, he's got a parole problem. we can work this out, can't we? didn't i tell ya not to worry? vic was worried. well, it's kinda a strange time right now. things are kinda-- let nice guy set you up at long beach. give ya some cash, get that koons fuck off your back, and we'll be talking to ya. how would you feel about pullin a heist with about five other guys? two minutes, tops. it's a tough two minutes. it's a hold up, daylight, during business hours, dealing with a crowd. but you have the fellas to deal with the crowd. it's a jewelry store. they're getting a big shipment of south african diamonds on a certain day. they're like a way station. it's gonna get picked up the next day and sent to hamburg. when you walk through the door, you'll know right where to go for the rich stones. the fellas are good, me and nice guy picked em. nobody knows anybody else. nobody's connected. i don't use connected guys for this shit. juicy, man, real juicy. you're picking the buyer up at the train station? you're carrying the weed on you? so they're talkin about how they get their wives off, and the french guys says: "all i gotta do is take my pinky and tickle my fifi's little oo la la and she rises a foot off the bed." "that's nothin. when i take the tip of my tongue and wiggle it against my mary louise's little fun pimple, she rises two feet off da bed." then our friend from poland says: "you guys ain't no cocksmen. when i get through fuckin my sophie, i wipe my dick on the curtains and you know what? she hits the roof!" ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! ain't that a masterpiece? stupid fuckin polack, wipes his dick on the drapes. you're here, great! no hurry. all right, let's get to know one another. with the exception of eddie and myself, who you already know, you'll be using aliases. under no circumstances are you to tell one another your real name or anything else about yourself. that includes where you're from, your wife's name, where you might've done time, about a bank in st. petersburg you might've robbed. you guys don't say shit about who you are, where you been or what you've done. only thing you guys can talk about is what you're going to do. this way the only ones who know who the members of the team are are eddie and myself. and that's the way i like it. because in the unlikely event of one of you getting apprehended by the cops, not that i expect that to happen - it most definitely should not happen - it hasn't happened, you don't have anything to deal with. you don't know any names. you know my name, you know eddie's name. that i don't care about. you gotta prove it. i ain't worried. besides, this way you gotta trust me. i like that. i set this up and picked the men i wanted for it. none of you came to me, i approached all of you. i know you. i know your work, i know your reputation. i know you as men. except for this guy. but he's ok. if he wasn't ok, he wouldn't be here. okay, let me introduce everybody to everybody. but once again, at the risk of being redundant, if i even think i hear somebody telling or referring to somebody by their christian name. . you won't want to be you. okay, quickly. mr. brown, mr. white, mr. blonde, mr. blue, mr. orange, and mr. pink. cause you're a faggot. i tried that once, it don't work. you get four guys fighting over who's gonna be mr. black. since nobody knows anybody else, nobody wants to back down. so forget it, i pick. be thankful you're not mr. yellow. you're not mr. purple, somebody from another job's mr. purple. you're mr. pink. nobody's trading with anybody! look, this ain't a goddamn fuckin city counsel meeting! listen up mr. pink. we got two ways here, my way or the highway. and you can go down either of 'em. so what's it gonna be, mr. pink? okay fellas, let's get into this. this man set us up. that's okay, eddie, i do. that piece of shit. workin with the cops. i said this lump of shit is workin with the lapd. aren't you? like hell i am. you don't know jack shit. i do. this rotten bastard tipped off the cops and got mr. brown and mr. blue killed. dead as dillinger. he was the only one i wasn't a hundred percent on. i should have my fucking head examined for goin forward when i wasn't a hundred percent. but he seemed like a good kid, and i was impatient and greedy and all the things that fuck you up. you don't need proof when you got instinct. i ignored it before, but not no more. don't worry, eddie. me and larry have been friends a long time, he ain't gonna shoot. we like each other too much. larry, i'm gonna kill him. larry, i'm askin you to trust me on this. i'm not askin, i'm betting.