joe, you want me to shoot him for you? they say it in the song. do you have any idea what these ladies make? they make shit. what's something special, take ya in the kitchen and suck your dick? what if she's too busy? so you don't care that they're counting on your tip to live? you don't have any idea what you're talking about. these people bust their ass. this is a hard job. waitressing is the number one occupation for female non-college graduates in this country. it's the one jab basically any woman can get, and make a living on. the reason is because of tips. so, talk. what would ever make you think that? nobody's going anywhere. don't take another step, mr. white. what's this guy's problem? what're you talkin about? fuck 'em, they set off the alarm, they deserve what they got. you gonna back all day, little doggie, or are you gonna bite? i said: "are you gonna bark all day, dog, or are you gonna bite." well, that was sure exciting. you're a big lee marvin fan, aren't you? me too. i don't know about the rest of you fellas, but my heart's beatin fast. okay you guys, follow me. down to my car. it's a surprise. we're gonna sit here and wait. nice guy eddie. cause i just talked to him. he's on his way down here, and nobody's going anywhere till be gets here. you didn't ask. stay put. okay, fellas, take a look at the little surprise i brought you. so while we're waitin for nice guy eddie, what say we have a little fun finding out who the rat is. where's joseph? well, he's either dead or he's alive or the cops got him or they don't. you see what i been puttin up with? as soon as i walk through the door i'm hit with this shit. i tell 'm what you told me about us stayin put and mr. white whips out his gun, sticks it in my face, and starts screaming "you motherfucker, i'm gonna blow you away, blah, blah, blah." i told 'em not to touch the alarm. they touched it. i blew 'em full of holes. if they hadn't done what i told 'em not it, they'd still be alive. i don't like alarms. alone at last. now where were we? --thanks, don't mind if i do. first off, i don't have a boss. are you clear about that? i asked you a question. are you clear about that? now i'm not gonna bullshit you. i don't really care about what you know or don't know. i'm gonna torture you for awhile regardless. not to get information, but because torturing a cop amuses me. there's nothing you can say, there's nothing you can do. except pray for death. let's see what's on k-billy's "super sounds of the seventies" weekend. "clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right. here i am, stuck in the middle with you."