you lost a man. if i had only been faster. i was unfamiliar with the mechanism. don't worry, it's mindless. it doesn't realize that it's strong enough to push the door open. my. colleagues. benjamin. toshiro. as far as we know, we are the. only ones. .left alive. we worked on "c" level. one of the biologists saved us. brought us down here. he knew that. he didn't have long to live. he. started the mechanism. out there, in the corridor. .and he let it. take him. as are we. we believed. we would die here. believed. the bomb would destroy us. the end for a place like this, when it fails. must be a bomb, yes? is it true? are you here to. rescue? or destroy? you're not s.t.a.r.s. you're umbrella. the man i loved, john marcus. developed the organism that caused all this. he. he did it for humanitarian purposes. it was taken away from him. for in-human purposes. by men like you! after what you've seen down here, do you think any of it could be turned into. benefit? death lab. john was killed. never even knowing it existed. they kept him. isolated, upstairs, while a separate team was down here. corrupting his research. using it to build b.o.w.s. bio-organic weapons. early experiments. a failure. its behavior remained reptilian. all they could ever get it to do was. grow in size. no. they. simply became infected. as did. everyone else. janitors. the cook. electricians. guards. people who believed they were serving their flag. scientists. great minds. turned into mindless. .ghouls! the product of human dna spliced with the dna of vicious carnivores. animals, even insects. plated with armor, beneath newly cultivated skin. then. injected with poison, so their biological components would die. the "t"-virus reactivates them in a matter of minutes, but. in battle, lost minutes are. inconvenient. so, the b.o.w.s had to die. and be allowed to revive before they could be used to. full advantage. they were murdered. by their own people. so they could never be murdered again. by the enemy. you don't. have. you been leaving doors open? this place is going to be overrun by. shoot him. somebody, shoot him! of course i do. i'm a scientist. you disgrace yourself! get out! now! or you never will! i told you. to shoot him! the corridor outside. can be moved. you won't come out in the same place. but you'll find a freight loader that can be accessed with. no. pot blue or green. red. yes. i was hoping it would never be un- locked again. go. i will see that this. . . is destroyed. i helped develop it! stand up? against powers that have. ruled the world since before we were born? we will only be. eliminated. or locked away someplace else. i'd rather die here. knowing that the virus has died with me . but, i. know so little. i don't know if i can face this. alright. come. doors. were left open. step on. level "c". have your weapons ready. level "b". good. we're almost there. you'll have to jump off. the belt won't stop. no. they're crows! infected! don't let them bite you! climb out. out! come. come! you convinced me that there were. larger matters. we're at the top. you said you'd get us out.