damn, if you don't love a fight. even-steven, boss. you saved my ass in the desert. i saved yours i in pennsylvania. look here, man. i'd follow you into any kind of enemy fire. but these things ain't firin' at us. they want us for breakfast! when are you gonna tell us what the hell is goin' on here? a safe-house. for who? for what? that thing. tells you where to go? back. where we just were. that's not what killed him. blood's still running. wounds are fresh. but look at his skin. this guy's been dead for a couple of days. head-shot. we were sprayin' those dogs outside. but think about it. were any of 'em brought down without a head-shot. this virus. it jumped, right? you catch this virus and. what? why, in the name of jesus, would anybody wanna mess with shit. that does that shit? whoa! look here. a map. same as on your gizmo. exits marked. blue and green. hold on. marcus is dead. if this mission was about bringin' him out, we're outta here, right? i mean this. it's very uncomfortable. yep. two away from the big re-ti. i've seen action in granada. and desert storm. would have lost it all there. if my buddy didn't bring in a team, against orders, to pull my ass out. buddy named. wesker. since before that. we were. kids together. macon, georgia. he's. only an asshole some of the time. haul ass, boss! one. we were all. 'even-steven' . no skin broken. i'm alright. where the hell is that? nothin'. man. no doors. nothin'. we hit a dead end. head shots. ain't doin' nothin'! what idea? where? as far as we'll get, either way, is a cement wall. what's got into you man? this. this isn't like you. holden? you're not gonna try to get this big mother outta here ? what about the antidote? you're gonna give this to umbrella? you shoot. i shoot, boss. go. not sure i know how, boss. do you? is there some other'need-to-know' secret for shutting down the big bopper, here? the ultimate warrior. the ultimate soldier. we'll see. how it does against a couple of hard-ass career guys, like you and me. that's one helluva big pump. from what? a fuckin' elephant? shit. i figured you knew more than you were telling. get under a desk, man. i'm gonna feed this thing a pineapple. forget it. bullets don't work!