take it, goliath. it's yours. glad you're still here, lady you're awake. sorry. i'll do the cooking. i'm sorry. really. you. have to be there at dawn. they ride the wind over the ridge. i had to go fishing. it's the fish that bring them down, so i can get a close look at them. i've tracked a dozen of them, jill. twelve of those big bruisers. i can actually recognize them. i've even given them names, over the years. only in the early autumn. when they're' migrating. beauty. isn't simple. if it was. i'd be beautiful. no, no, no. i'm simple. you, on the other hand. . have all that. stuff. hiding underneath somewhere. that's what fascinates me. i. honestly don't know. i guess i've been. living alone too long. you're the first, the only woman i've ever thought of as. a real partner. i'm part mohawk. indians are never confused. at least, they never let it show. aw, no. . l-lucky. don't try to talk, rake. i know. you. kept the place runnin'. better than me. where are they going? there's nothing in there. except. the. the old arkley place? oh, god, rake. oh, jesus, the poor thing's still alive. who are you? what the hell is s.t.a.r.s.? who sealed the door? i. i'm one of the good guys, okay i'm just trying to. shit. somebody did some major remodeling. hey. that was a smart move. nobody. just a. a local guy. cover? why didn't you let me in on this? i used to play here, when this was a fucking laundry room! and what makes you think i came after you? not complicated, either. we only have to decide. what's right. and what's wrong. they don't want anybody up here to go snoopin' . upstairs or down. native american. exempted. yes there is. there's a. part of an old laundry chute. it might not show on there. it runs up to the kitchen. you said. people wind you up and you do whatever they want you to do. you up to the challenge? i already have. jill, i. i'm sorry. i'm just. angry. when i. thought you were gone, i. then. when i saw you. alive. i realized that. stop. stop! there's no "i" in dead, either. i'm part of it as. long as you are. for me, too, brother. eighteen years? you've been with this asshole since. ? the man has balls, i'll say that. those things could get up here. we can't let that happen. this is our way out. caruso. thank you. shit, if you didn't have a plan, you shouldn't have jumped down here. how big is this place? how many people were down here? how. big. heavy. we owe you a pair of pants. you. lunatic! that damn thing can slip out of your ear by accident! what are you, this guy's flunky? he just threatened to blow us all up, for christ's sake! don't need 'em. got my own loads. jill. this guy is a loony-toon. yeah, well. i hope you'll say the same about me. when i do. what i have to do. this is the heart of the whole place. they've got to have it. protected somehow. down. through these. one. two. it's not meant to stop them. it's meant to stop. something else. i'm not willing to rely on that. i live here, this is my town! that explains the lie. about the plane crash. an airplane down. with weapons on board. would nicely explain a big explosion, wouldn't it? you figured all along you might have to blow this place! i. i can't let this happen. i've got to find that bomb. no. i want you out. with the rest of them. wesker won't push the button until you're clear. he has to. don't you see? he can't leave these labs here. and, jesus. walking corpses! he's gotta get rid of the evidence. i've got to try and stop this. and it didn't rip out the ceiling for the fun of it. stay alert. get out of the away! hold this. we take what comes. that's the secret of our genius. none of us is old enough for that. she did? she never told me. hurry. you know. that just might be the ticket. wing the fuckers. it. already came. ma'am. we brought it. the colonel, here. he's wearing it. b.o.w.s? the snake. before the outbreak, the experiments went further, didn't they? those. ceiling-crawlers out there. . were any more of these. weapons. developed? and i was gonna try to disarm the bomb. this place should be destroyed! it needs to be destroyed! if she's on your side. she doesn't mean shit to me. and i don't mean shit to her. thirteen minutes. get going. move! orders don't mean shit any more, wesker. especially when they come from sell-out bastards like you. red. overrides green. so. you could have unlocked "d" lab. it's destroyed. it's worthless but you're not. unwittingly. they lied to you. they lied to marcus. they made you believe you were doing a good thing when it wasn't good at all. it was evil! more than anyone else. you have. a responsibility. just get us upstairs. i'll take care of it from there. you're up. you alright? rosie!? climb, rosie! rosie, nooooo! th-this way. i hope they haven't disabled this. watch it. watch iiiit! get up! no. circle around. no. just. circle, okay? i want to. take a last look. i hoped. it would be our home. full throttle. out of here, man!