it's my apartment. i've been awake. since you left. what, with my dinner? i never had a mother. i'll learn. there are probably all kinds of things prowling around up there. in the middle of the night. dawn? you left at one a.m. you've been doing this for years? i'ii set the alarm for next. october. you are. fascination. not love? i've always been. afraid of living alone. i've always had. people. talking at me. knowing they could wind me up and i'd do. . whatever they wanted. valentine. for this. this is the real deal. based on my experience, williams, god isn't always honest in there. some people prefer. a quiet life. our orders are to secure the area. this is valentine, bravo team. we, er. we might be in trouble, here. i lost three me. you killed them, wesker. you did. and i did. because i didn't know what to expect. because you. didn't tell me! anything! i wasn't told anything! not until. how ya doin' , valentine? good to see ya. glad you're still alive. same here, colonel, i'm. the same way those fuckin' dogs got out! through their pens! i. locked them off. fuck you. a human? they're. multi-national. huge. by. biting. but the virus. jumped. hopefully? jesus. why didn't you tell us? it must have been the water. god, the water! (she turns to chris} did you swallow any? his name is chris redfield. he was. part of my cover, sir. this is not the time to mouth off, chris! you're in deep shit here! why did you have to come after me? how did you get in here, anyway? not simple. i forgot. you're never confused. so. what's right, mohawk? and what's wrong? no objections. we'll back you up. try me. that you were still. fascinated. i. i want to. i want. nothing more. but. i can't. when i'm in this uniform, i'm more than. just me. try to understand. there's no "i" in team, chris. you go. you're not part of this. desk job, right? nobody lasts that long if they've seen action. any time. how do we get back up? we have a real problem here, chris. how do we get up? it got you! that's what i'm trying to prevent! forty two. he's just. trying to get the job done. doing what he has to do. on three. god. and it doesn't even stop them. i'll help. once wesker gets what he wants, my obligation is over. he doesn't want to push the button. chris, no! chris! no. that way. chris and the others. maybe not. and how do we know it's only going to be twenty minutes? how do we know we'll be able to come back this way? right behind me. were you. talking to someone? wing it! you knew. .about the bomb? die. yes. no! we're so close. the antidote. chris, please. there's only. one way to go, here . yes, sir. your way! we believed in you. i believed in you. boy, was i a sucker. everybody! out! look out! not without. a blue key. i hope. what if it's already spread? you're the only one. who knew anything about it. to a higher command. the highest. i don't know if it's gonna happen. the guy was a bootlegger. with a sense of humor. toss it to me! we have to get out of range. it's. your home. i guess. we're gonna be moving.