where'd that come from? shit, man, we're chasin' our tails! damn. surnbitch took a lotta lead. why would anyone shoot a dead man? shit! we're all dead! we got the bug, and we're all dead! christ, this is like. night of the living dead! i did. stop it? how? what the fuck? i'm through, wesker. fuck you! and your fancy doors and your green key! the choppers have rockets. they can blow out a wall if they have to. i'm callin' 'em in. bull shit. i'm not. that's all we have? they must have. weapons down here, somewhere. a powder magazine. we gotta run for it. we damn near got turned into rice krispies by that gizmo of yours. if you don't want me to nail that fuckin' thing into your ear, you deactivate it. right now. us too. cement wall. run! we slowed 'em down. run!