holy. goh. gaah. i hope you have a lot of these. i can try. shit. there are no green exits on this level. why. why would that be? fuck! there. there's no way out! got it. ceiling grids, ladders. the whole infrastructure. i. snagged it. on the desk. when we were scrambling. no. it's just a scratch! who knows what we'll find down there? whatever it is. .it can't get us. we're in the ceiling! aaaah ! shit. shit. i'm locked out. any clues for a password? nothing. wait. i'm into. no. no data. just some kind of video feed. time-coded. yesterday. it's a play-back. holy shit! where do they go? we're never gonna get to that lab. one. of the sharks. its teeth. i just. brushed up against its teeth. after it was dead.