can you get a trace? i do believe, gentlemen. that we're gonna be earning some combat pay. hey, if i didn't. you'd be a dead man. call in a nine- nine. i want raccoon city e-vacked. charlie, david, edward, proceed to raccoon city. assist the e-vack. i'm going on target with alpha team. all forces stand ready to support. you'll have to rotate or you'll run out of fuel, but i want one chopper to remain in the air at all times. we might need help in a hurry. 'valentine'. radio washington. bravo team found on site. no survivors. we're goin' in. watch your backs. who fired? who fired? i don't believe in being. 'even- steven' with anybody. a man saves my ass. i pay him back. before this day is over, i'll pay you back, barry. just. stick with me, okay? when you need to know. just do your job, soldier. that's what i'm doin'. my job. guy named arkley. bootlegger. built this old fortress during prohibition. he figured nobody'd ever find him out here in the back woods. nobody did. till he died. feds have had it ever since. place has been here for eighty years. derelict. a safe-house. there's a. a secret installation. below. a network of laboratories. they didn't issue us gas-masks, so i figure. it's okay to breathe. three men stay here. chambers. rodriguez. alright. you come with us. aiken, sullivan, stick here with chambers. one man stays here. ridley. you're it. shoot to kill. just make sure it's not one of us. the rest of you. this way. tell you what? put down the gun. release! that's an order, soldier! how did you get in here? good thinking. ladies first. i guess it's. time to spill it. marcus has been experimenting with an artificial. man-made. virus. coded. the 't'-virus. financing came from a private corporation, you may have heard the name. umbrella. so huge that they have. connections. in high places. that's why we're here. it's not airborne. it was spread. in the water supply. lab animals and. the researchers themselves. passed it on. by. you die. but. not for long. the chemical. revives the brain, and. victory, friend. civilization has come a long way, but we still have. war. imagine. a soldier who can't die. that. was the concept. hopefully. if we got all the dogs. we've contained it. by telling you now, i've put your lives in jeopardy. nobody has this information. except a few high-and- mightys. me. and now, you. nice. very nice, valentine! you set off a containment breach! separate systems. salt water. no germs. but. .it breached! there are override exits. but i can't find them without this! and. you are? valentine. who is this asshole? it. it once was. the greens are the overrides. can you print this out? we have to get down to level 'd'. i wish we were, but no. we have a potential outbreak here. we might be the only ones who can stop it. there's. an antidote. pretty good guess. you must have been in the military, son. not a bad idea. see if you can call up. service charts, schematics. print it. print all of it. i'm not going up. i'm going down. stay out of this, son. you're the only one who doesn't have a choice in this. there's no place to lock you up. i can't let you go, you're a security risk. i could shoot you. legally. but your lady-friend would probably get all over my ass. so. i'm afraid you're comin' with us. whether you like it or not. he's your responsibility, valentine. see that he doesn't make trouble. main-frame. might have some data we could use. fox, marini, vickers. down. hustle it, vickers. you're the guy we need. to cut into the network. watch these entrances, guys. hold tight. it doesn't sound like it's on this level. try. umbrella. scram! scram! that's. two i owe ya. two. remember? 'even-steven' . is not in my vocabulary. stand down. five minutes. you want to wait here, fine. you can't. not without this. you wanna see a wall blow, i'll blow all of 'em for ya. that's right. it's your job. all of your jobs. to see that it doesn't. and to see that my heart. doesn't skip any beats. i'ii be obliged to do it! if i don't get that antidote, i'll have to burn this place out! valentine. the radio. you guys were hand-picked. a special unit. most of you have been sitting on your asses, drawing pay checks for more than two years. well. it's time to repay those. government loans. pitch your empties. put all your loaded clips on that crate there. i want a count. then i want the rounds divvied up. evenly. god dammit, no more jokes! we have men dead upstairs! this hell-hole is full of people who died. because of this stinkin' . bug! we weren't expecting a war, speyer. i'll take three. three to your boyfriend. good. then. we all get four clips. no more side trips. it was a mistake to go into that lab upstairs. my mistake. and i'm not makin' another one. from now on it's straight ahead. in and out. it's not clear. which way to go. i can't. they. .fixed it. so you can't chicken out. the system can only be turned off at the main panel. where the explosives are. down. farther than we need to go. we only have to make it down one more level. if. when. we make it back up to the choppers. we can fly out of the detonator's signal range. the town's been evacuated. just. just in case. i don't want to do it. i. i hope i don't have to. sit tight. ride it out. this way. if they're dead, they're dead. if they're alive, they'll still be alive in twenty minutes. when we get back. we don't. but we'll do our damndest to try. this is it, guys. the home stretch. let's go. where are the others? to washington. to my. superiors. they're your superiors too, valentine. don't forget that. that was the idea. to win. the idea was. to win. both. if i have to pick only one. i'll pick destroy. once again. both. two salaries. three if you count combat pay. no, ma'am. men like me. are just errand boys. sent in to do the wet-work. all of the glory. none of the benefits. yes. i think it could be turned into five or ten million dollars. how do we get into "d" lab? how do we get into "d" lab? how fortunate. that i am. oh, yes, this is exactly like me. it's called. the tyrant. nobody knows it exists. except us. and holden. umbrella's man in d.c. we need him. he signs the checks. we've got it, barry! our fortune! don't have to. all we need is the data. then. .these things can be cranked out on an assembly line! antidote? there is no antidote. that was just happy horse shit, to keep the team going. no. i'm gonna sell it to them. then i'm gonna open a swiss bank account. right next to yours. it's real, alright. and it's worth. more than gold. more than uranium! all of you do. anyone who comes out of this alive. gets a taste. anybody else see it my way? smart. anyone else? valentine? gotcha, son. it's only because of valentine, here, that i didn't squeeze the trigger. that's right. my way! get me outta here, redfield. or so help me god, you're a dead man. come back! rodriguez! valentine! that's an order ! b-buddy. you gotta get us out. no. it. it can't be shut down. an implant. rhinoceros. i told you, we don't. w-we can't. it's unstoppable! no! it might damage the system! i've got to get this data! they seem to work just fine.