glad to know you frank. speaking of production control? frank. this is a crackerjack. they're just tickled to death in toledo. tell you something, frank. i'm a little sore at bandy for the way he's kept you under a bushel all these years. this place okay, for you? one thing interests me, frank, and one thing only: selling the electronic computer to the american businessman. that's why i'm assembling a team. men like you, not your average salesmen. it'll mean more money, and i got to be honest, maybe more of a time commitment. but you'll be part of something exciting, wheeler. computers. bart! can't say that i do. relation of yours? earl wheeler. earl wheeler. well, i'm sure he was a good man. another outfit? now look, frank. is it a question of money? because if it is, there's no reason we can't get together on a satisfactory a personal thing? i see. frank. let me tell you something my father told me. a man only gets a couple chances in life. if he doesn't grab `em by the balls, it won't be long before he finds himself sitting around wondering how he got to be second rate. so, do me a favor. sleep on it. discuss it with your wife. because let's face it: where the hell would any of us be without our wives, anyway? and frank, in all sincerity, if you do decide to join us, i believe it'll be a thing you'll never regret. and i believe something else, too. i believe it'd be a fine memorial to your dad.