frank! she's through there! you `bout ready for that drink? you better get changed, they'll be here soon. don't you like it? shep? april, i can't get over it - you look like the cat who ate the canary! do you have something to tell us? a little bit of news? i'm not prying. am i prying? i didn't mean to. what? why? but what for? when did you make this decision? about a week ago, and you tell us now! gee, it sounds wonderful, kids. i mean it; it really sounds wonderful. we'll certainly miss you, though - won't we, sweetie? golly. paris. wow. oh god, i'm so relieved. me too. i was thinking that the whole time. i don't know, shep. i just don't know. nothing. i'm just so relieved. hey! remember the first time you brought us here? you said, it takes a special kind of taste to enjoy vito's log cabin! that's right! look at me! i'm just so happy. our little gang's back together again! i'll dance! guess april's pretty blue `bout paris, huh? oh, sure. give us girls a couple of days and we can get over anything! frank. frank. i. gee. i'm afraid i'm not very. it was the worst experience of my life. such wonderful people. weren't they shep? poor april. frank lives in the city now. where is it he works? no. too many memories, i think. shep's seen him. in the city. he's just dedicated to those kids. every spare moment he has, he spends with them. you okay? okay. we don't have to. we don't have to.