frank! very nice frank! i can't tell you how much we enjoyed it. you have a very talented wife. of course, i knew the moment you came off the train what you were looking for. a small remodeled barn, or a carriage house and i just hate to be the one to tell you that sort of thing just isn't available anymore. but i don't want you to despair. there is one place down here i want to show you. now of course it isn't very desirable at this end. as you see, crawford road is mostly these little cinder-blocky, pick-up trucky places plumbers, carpenters, little local people of that sort. but eventually. eventually it leads up to revolutionary road, which is much nicer. now, the place i want to show you, is a sweet little house and a sweet little setting. simple, clean lines, good lawns, marvelous for children. it's right around this next curve. now, you'll see it there. see the little white one? sweet isn't it? the perky way it sits there on its little slope? charming, isn't it? yoo-hoo! i can't stay a minute. my, don't you look comfy! i just wanted to bring this sedum for that messy patch in the front yard. all it wants is just a tiny dollop of water for the first few days, and you'll find it absolutely thrives. only if you're having some. oh. yes, i almost forgot. i do have a small favor i'd like to ask. it's about my son, john. he's been in the hospital. well, actually, just for the present, he's in pleasant brook. psychiatric. oh. nothing serious. he just got a little run down. things can just get the better of us sometimes. don't you think? it really is a marvellous facility and the treatments seem to be doing him wonders. anyway, they said getting out for an afternoon might do him some good. i think he finds my friends a little conventional, frankly. i mean, he's travelled. he has a phd in mathematics. i suppose you could say he's an intellectual. it would do him a world of good to meet a young couple like you. so, i thought perhaps if you had some time. thank you, dear. thank you. i remember when you first came off the train. you weren't like most of my clients. you were different, somehow. well, you looked simply ravishing and i just knew frank did something terribly brilliant in town. you just seemed. special. of course you still are. sorry to be late. the traffic was terrible. wasn't it terrible, howard? say hello, john. where are your darling children? oh, look at all this food! you didn't have to go to any trouble for us. please, don't bother frank. oh, this is the most wonderful egg salad, april. you must tell me how you fix it. john, come and have a look out this fabulous picture window. oh, look, the sun's coming out! maybe we'll see a rainbow! john, come have a look. all these questions. oh, frank. john, please. i don't know if it's a good idea. yoo-hoo! any one home? oh, don't worry. it's nice just to sit for a bit and socialize. you really didn't need to go through all the trouble of cooking. i can see you have a lot to do with packing and what not. oh? oh, april! i can't tell you how pleased i am. oh, but i expect you'll be needing a bigger house, now, won't you? oh john, really. i don't think we need to -- john, please, you're being very -- he's not well, frank. he's not well, frank! i'm sorry april, i'm so sorry. i can't tell you how pleased i am about the little revolutionary road place, howard. remember how dreary it looked all winter? all cold and dark and -- well, spooky. creepy- crawly. and now whenever i drive past, it gives me such a lift to see it all perked up and spanking clean again, with lights in the windows. and do you know, i was just thinking, i've loved that little house for years, and the braces are the first really suitable people i've ever found for it. really nice, congenial people, i mean. oh, i was very fond of the wheelers but they always were a bit -- a bit whimsical, for my taste. a bit neurotic. i may not have stressed it, but they were often very trying people to deal with, in many ways. actually, the main reason the little house has been so hard to sell is that they let it depreciate so dreadfully. warped window frames, wet cellar, crayon marks on the walls, filthy smudges around all the--