buddappa banh! banh! banh! that what you're wearing? no. no. you look great, doll. guess i better haul ass. hiya gang. not to pry or anything. when? it's a great city. so, what's the deal, frank? you get a job over there, or what? what do you mean, `not exactly?' and what are you going to do? while she supports you? sure. you know what i think? i think this whole plan sounds a little immature. what kind of man is going to sit around in his bathrobe picking his nose while his wife works all day? what is it? come on. don't cry. please. it's all right. it's going to be all right. i'll go. so, frank, how's work? they gonna survive without you? that's always the way, isn't it? morons. so, you tempted? she okay? it's so awful it's kinda nice! at least europe's not going anywhere. of all the inconsiderate. all right with me. i'm sorry you're not going away anymore. i know it was important to you. don't take this wrong; i've been there and. they don't have so much we don't have here. you just wanted out, huh? sure you are. you're the wheelers. you're a terrific couple, everyone says so. let me take you somewhere. april. this is what i've always wanted. i love you. i mean it, i love you. frank? they tell you what happened? how about sitting down, frank. okay. take it easy. here, have a cigarette. i'll get some coffee. sit down frank. bart pollock associates. mm-hmm. i don't want to talk about the wheelers any more.