there seems to be a popular rumor going around about a cursed videotape. have you heard what kind of video it might be? lets do it again. have you heard what kind of video it might be? watching tv late at night. do you know what station? izu? and, do you know if anyones really died from watching it? what is it? they were in a wreck? do you know the name of the high school this girl went to? hm? thanks. but i wonder what this rumors all about. everyone you ask always mentions izu. gifu, but there was some big accident out there, and that ended up being what started the rumor. mmm-hmm. something terrible like that is going to stay in peoples minds. sometimes the story of what happened gets twisted around, and ends up coming back as a rumor like this one. thats what they say, at least. maybe. well, anyway, im off. see you tomorrow. okazaki, can i ask you a favor? could you check out this article for me? get me some more info.? good. call me as soon as you know more, ok? yoichi! sorry im late. oh, youve already changed. aargh, weve gotta hurry! did grandpa call? well. it looks like she was really, really sick. will you do me up? if its something serious. well, yes. as hard as it is for us, what your auntie and uncle are going through right now is even harder, so lets not talk about this over there, ok? you and her used to play a lot together, didnt you? dad. how is sis holding up? ill go check on auntie and them, then. no, i. well, they said there was no sign of foul play. what are you doing up here? you shouldnt just walk into other peoples rooms. you go on downstairs, ok? you go on ahead. hello? thanks. excuse me. this is, um, kind of a strange question, but by any chance were you friends of that young girl that died in the car as well? please. if you know anything. video? tomoko-chan watched it, too? where? cause of death? drugs? mmm-hmm. yeah. izu. look, im probably going to be late coming home tonight, so just stick your dinner in the microwave when youre ready to eat, ok? hmm? what did you say? you are not to speak of this at school, do you hear me? theres no way. "my dad is fat. my mom is fat. thats why im fat, too." um, actually im here on business. they would have stayed here on august 29th, all four of them. if theres any information you might have. that. that! what tape is that? one week… his first year. what about you, ryuji? how have you been recently? and money is? thats right. ryuji, four people have already died. on the same day! take my picture. hurry up and take it. theres the guest list from the cottage to look into. and the possibility of someone hacking into the local stations broadcast signals. oh, thanks. uh. sorry, im working on something personal. what happened to you? i dont think any of the guests on the list brought the tape with them. i couldnt confirm it face-to-face of course, but even over the phone i got the feeling they were all being upfront with me. therere no traces of any illegal television signals being broadcast around izu. heres that copy of the videotape you wanted. no. theres something strange about this shot. from this angle, the mirror should be reflecting whoevers filming. well, if the person who made this is a pro, thered be a way around that, i guess, but still. this is gonna be impossible to figure out on just a regular tv screen, dont you think? asakawa. * hes used to it. what does that mean? hello? but, dialect from where? yoichi? im gonna be a little late tonight, honey. you can do it yourself, right? ok. sorry. bye. ive got it! this old article. what are you doing? i think so. there should be a correspondent out there. what do you think youre--? yoichi says hes looking forward to doing some fishing with you. hello? have you got anything else? oshima? ive only got three days left! nothing. i just had some things left over from work. yoichi? yoichi! you brought this with you, didnt you? why?!? you mean that tomoko yoichi. he can see them too, cant he? its all my fault. first tomoko died, then those three others. it should have stopped there, but it didnt. because of me. how did the rumors about the video even start in the first place? fear. mr. hayatsu? why did yamamura shizuko commit suicide? he was driven out of the university, wasnt he? ive heard this story. but. im sure i remember hearing that somebody died at one of those demonstrations. but, why even try looking for him? please! if you could just answer a few questions, about shizuko. its about shizukos daughter. she did have a daughter, didnt she? umm. youll stay with me wont you? when its time for me to die. youll stay, wont you? if you stayed, maybe youd learn something that could help yoichi-- but you could stay with me, ryuji. youd be ok. stop it! thats right. after yamamura shizuko committed suicide, professor ikuma took the daughter and ran. no, no one knows where they went. thats why i need -you- to find out where they are. even if the professors dead, sadako should still be in her forties. ill explain it all later, but right now just hurry! well, what about that video? if sadakos dead then who made it? hello? thank you. yoichi. izu. ryuji! ryuji! the phone in my apartment never rang! it only ever rang at the rental cottage! professor ikuma mustve. its funny. im not afraid at all. so, sadako was professor ikumas daughter? is that going to break the curse? will yoichi be all right? just one more day. yoichi? its mommy. i just called to say ill be coming home tomorrow. yoichi, its rude to your grandpa to talk like that. no, thats. im sorry, yoichi. ill. ill see you tomorrow. mommys got something she has to do. say hello to grandpa for me, ok? seven or eight minutes past seven. pm. no more than ten minutes past. the well. her own father! its already six! but, we dont even know if its doing any good. where are you? please, come out. please. where are you? its you. why would ikuma have killed her? his own daughter. what? thank you. im takayama ryujis wife! what happened? did he say anything to you? about a videotape? ryuji. why? does this mean that yoichi will die, too? is the curse not broken yet? i was the only one to break sadakos curse. ryuji. why? something i did that you didnt. something i did that you didnt. ryuji?! something i did that you didnt. what broke the curse was that i copied the tape and showed it to someone else! dad? its me. im on my way over. look, dad, ive got something to ask. its for yoichi.